Test run over at least one wireframe to review BB involvement: Identify explicit UI and action-based BB involvement in USCT Simulation
Check in regarding capabilities: If, when and could we contribute and feedback?
Notes and Action Items
Steves Feedback on Wireframes
Payment - adding Voucher payment options, currently only bank options visible
Wireframes Feedback - Create more versions of different states (e.g. Civil Servant view, more possible outcomes, validation pages)
Data storage - where is it stored right now? Additional data, registration, digital registry not sufficient enough
Localisation - multi language options should be considered
Goals - Test run Notes
ID Buildingblock - Authentication; Information Mediators, workflow building block
Would we store a list of civil servants and their roles on a digital registry?
Where would we store the list?
Not defined by the current building blocksRolebased management is part of the security but not defined yet.
Registry topic - clarification necessary for the MVP
Is there a separate database that will store information about civil servants (including their roles/permissions)
What BBs manage the login process? The ID BB is just for foundational ID, so how is login managed?
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yyuzxfAQndrxkNaya5kcSbhc9hFqQ2vZtUF4aDPdvaI/edit related BB
identify the high level BBs for the next steps
Digital registry database stores who is registered and enrolled
Workflow BB - which information (Programs) does the civil servant has access to?
Action Item
- Registry / identification BB details should be clarified for the MVP
- rework package description and additional information, wireframe, so that the context is clear; info depends on the user
- identify parts of the USCT journey which could be transferred into other use cases