Time | Item | Notes | Comments |
10min | Define scope and goals of upcoming sessions |
| |
10min | Review index of information | ||
20min | Test run | https://www.figma.com/file/tq8VOr1v9LabYEbAZxVbvs/GovStack-Sandbox?node-id=1752%3A102138 | wasn’t done in first session |
✅ Action items
- Steve Conrad GDPR and Data privacy → review current state
- review https://govstack.gitbook.io/specification/architecture-and-nonfunctional-requirements Jonas Bergmeier Martha Vasquez
- Artun Gürkan Martha Vasquez Jonas Bergmeier : try to identify workflow patterns (“capabilities”) for our USCT and share results with Steve Conrad / Wes Brown
- Jonas Bergmeier create ticket for this and share with others
- add Gitbook links to BB in https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEMO/pages/edit-v2/177012747 Jonas Bergmeier
- Follow-Up arranged for , primary goal: Identify explicit UI and action-based BB involvement in USCT Simulation
Follow-Up on
Test run over at least one wireframe to review BB involvement
Check in with Steve regarding capabilities: If, when and could we contribute and feedback?