Registered user data will be added to User registry (MOSIP) and citizen data for verification will be added to Citizen registry (UNCTAD). APIs: https://docs.mosip.io/1.1.5/apis
Normal course of identification in MVP
SRIS user creation - triggered when user has submits the user registration form
SRIS login - triggered when user submits the login form
Person/citizen identification - Personal ID of the citizen is entered to the Personal ID field and user hits Enter
Data input and output
APIs: https://docs.mosip.io/1.1.5/apis NB! All additional backround data that is required for minimum data exchange between BB (RequestID, ResponseID, SourceBBID,….etc.) should be included to the input and output (marked as ……)
Data input | Data output | API specification |
| Authentication and authorization API https://docs.mosip.io/1.1.5/apis/authn-and-authz-apis |