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The GovStack Sandbox makes the GovStack approach tangible. It is the key tool to raise awareness and educate people on benefits of the GovStack approach.

The GovStack Sandbox is a safe environment (you can break everything, but it dont have a negativ effect) simulating a small governmental e-service system (reference implementation).

The GovStack Sandbox serves Policy Makers, Technical Government Experts and Technical Vendor Experts with functionalities to lower the barrier to use the GovStack approach or get involved in GovStack Initiative.

High-level Components

  • Software Factory/DevSecOps methodology and tooling

  • Generic Building Block architecture

  • Specific e-service use cases

  • Registries and Synthetic Data

  • Software compliance testing harness

  • Training material and documentation

Users and User Stories

Policy Maker/Subject Matter Expert

  1. I want to see example results of the service design process described in the “GovStack Implementation Playbook” so that I see proof of the theoretical framework.

  2. I want to experience BB based use cases without any access barrier (login, deployment time) so that I do not loose attention and can access without tech experience.

  3. I want to click through sector-diverse use cases so that I can experience the generic nature of the BB approach.

  4. I want to click through use cases which are of high-importance for my country so that I can confince my colleagues/superiors.

  5. I want to see the data flow in the background while clicking through a use case so that I can understand the BB interaction.

  6. I want to see interactions with among use cases highlighted so that I can understand dependencies between use cases.

Technical Government Expert

  1. I want to create an own instance of the sandbox so that I can analyse the system in a save environment.

  2. I want to change APIs so that I can test integration with the test environment of my country.

  3. I want to be able to change registries, API calls of use cases, UI or any other aspect in a save environment, so that I can showcase a customized deployment to my colleagues/superiors.

  4. I want to save my custom sandbox deployment so that I can continue working with it another time.

  5. I want to deploy the sandbox with different software products so that I can experience the interchangeability of software components.

  6. I want to get recommendations for DevSecOps environment so that I can build up my own BB based system.

Technical Vendor Expert

  1. I want to see how my organization can suggest our software product to be integrated into the GovStack sandbox so that I can showcase our spec compliant software product.

  2. I want to run functional requirements based test scripts so that I can check compliance of my software product.

  3. I want to deploy an sandbox instance with my software product so that I can advertise my product as a component of GovStack BB based system.

Additional Requirements introduced by GovStack Team

DevSecOps Environment

Building Block architecture

Sources for building blocks:

  1. ITU Procurements: ID, Payment, (IM), Consent

  2. Ukraine (Registries)

  3. DIGIT (30 possibly components, e.g. workflow, messaging)

  4. UNCTAD (Registries)

  5. GIZ (OpenIMIS)

  6. SunBird

  7. Typo3 Association

  8. Others? Open for suggestions

Use Cases

Selection of use cases should consider the following criteria:

  1. has been already implemented

  2. has an owner who could describe the user journey in detail

  3. uses as many BB as possible

  4. have interconnections with other use cases

  5. use a core registry (e.g. civil, business, land)

  6. Politcal priorities (G2P, Social Protection, Gender)

Side products to be produced

  • Onboarding methodology for Building Block suppliers

  • Styleguide

Further Resources

Description of vision, tasks and deliverables as part of the public tender (February 2022):

View file
nameSandbox ToR-1.1.pdf

Sketch-up by the technical committee: Sandbox Procurement and Tech Committee Overlap - Technical - GovStack Wiki (

Notes from the Kick-Off Session with GoFore:

View file
nameSandbox Kick-off.pdf