Hi, _____________. My name is ___________, and I’m going to be walking you through this session today.
With your permission, we’re going to record what happens on the screen and our conversation. The recording will only be used to help us figure out how to improve the product, and it won’t be seen by anyone except the people working on this project.
Do you have any questions about the recording process or what will happen to the recording afterwards?
Do you have any objections about us recording this session, including your voice and face or my colleague taking notes on the side?
What is your name and age? Where do you live?
Could you please tell us about the tasks of your job and your job title?
Did you participate in User Tests Research Interview before?
Do you have any previous knowledge about GovStack?
How often do you use online government services?
Do you use your mobile device or computer for these services? Why?
Are you familiar with using digital platforms and applications for government-related tasks? Would you please let us know about your previous experiencestell me more?
Have you ever applied for a construction permit before? Can you tell us more about your experience?
Learn if the application was online or in person, how long it taketook, and how was the process.
Imagine you are a qualified architect/engineer who is a resident of a country called Digital Island. You Even though you have an account on your government portal, you have not registered your expertieze expertize into your egov system yet and you want to be a registered architect.
Were there any parts of the process that were confusing or challenging?
Were you able to find the information or actions you were looking for easily?
How would you rate the overall experience?
Construction Permit Construction Permit Application
Great! Thank you!
Before you go further I have one question here:
Would you please tell us your idea regarding what is a digital signature? what do you think the process can be?
Do you think the user will separately sign the different documents, all sign common documents together or they sign one envelope file that includes all these documents?
(After Application-Recieving notification)
Great! Thank you! Now I want you to go home page. The user receives notification.
Please check the notification and process based on that. Do not forget to think out loud and tell us what you are seeing or if is there anything you noticed differently.
(After Application)
Great! thank you! Now I want you to go home page and show me how you can track down the application.
(After Tracking)
Thank you! Let’s go back to the home page again.
(Recieving Notification)
Please check the notification and process based on that. Do not forget to think out loud and tell us what you are seeing or if is there anything you noticed differently.
(After Updating)
Great! thank you! Let’s go to home page again and you will receive a notification.
(during scheduling- ! If the user understands the available dates)
How does this product compare to your previous experiences with government services or professional registrations?
If you had the power what would you improve or enhance?
(Open-Ended Feedback)
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with this prototype?
Upload Documents (Construction Permit):
Additional Document Request-Mail Notification: