Have most information we need, need to add people on the USCT
For specifications, who else needs to be added for each spec?
Need to include TAC preview team that reviewed the specifications (this list is with Yolanda)
Valeria to reach out to Yolanda for this list and update contributors section.
Margus: request removal of Estonian gov’t as contributors for all the specifications and building blocks due to legal issues. They have a more rigorous validation process. MoFA needs to decide whether Estonia can be added.
Estonia gov’t is part of GovStack but when it comes to specifications and actual products, the Estonian gov’t cannot vouch for it, since the required validation procedure didn’t take place.
Ramkumar has added Uwe and Max as a contributors.
Include the list Ramkumar shared to the postpartum and infant care use case
List from Ramkumar:
Valerie Khan – ID BB Spec David Forden – Security Spec Max Carlson – Non-functional requirements, Security spec, USCT and Postpartum use cases Jean Reynald - ??? Security BB spec Uwe Washer – Non-functional requirements, USCT use case Debora Comparin - ??? ID BB spec Raul Kaidro – ID BB, and I think he also did some work on the use cases, but not sure which ones Participated in defining use-case step defintition template Trevor Kensey – Non-functional Requirements, Arch Team Amy Darling – She was the tech writer that worked on updates to the spec after the first TAC reviews – contributed updates to all of the specs, I think. V0.9 specs cleanup Frank Grozel – Registration and Registries specs Tambet Artma - ??? registration and registeries Magnus Hult - ??? Messaging BB Specs Bramhanand Jha - ??? Messaging BB Specs John Cordiero - ??? Messaging BB Specs James Dailey – Payments spec Oscar Correia - ??? Payments spec Francesco Pasti - ??? payments bb specs Luukas Ilves - ??? Payments bb specs Sanjay Jain - ??? paymetns bb specs Khuram Farooq - ???paymetns bb specs Achim Blume - ??? paymetns bb specs Edgar Whitley - ??? ID BB specs Jonathan Marksell - ??? ID BB specs Vyjanthi Desai – Possibly input on ID ID BB specs Saurav Bhatta – USCT use case Deepti - ??? ID BB specs Aleksa Krolls – Workflow BB + IM BB Conforn Mankga - ???Workflow BB Lal Chandran – Consent BB Sille Sepp – Consent BB,
BB Scoping Via Use Cases
The wave 3 BBs are not using any use cases to help inform the scope. Can we help resolve this?
Ramkumar: for each BB, the team identified relevant use cases and developed content on this, with a focus on the domain of the building block i.e, with GIS how it is used in disaster management. They do not have a specific template for these use cases, but plan to update the use cases to align with the current use case template.
These developments to be shared with the Product team.
Steve: would be good to share the existing use cases (USCT, construction permit and maternal care use cases) with the wave 3 group.
Rachel: can we all decide not to commission further BB work without first identifying the use cases and the briefs on the project. Work on the use cases first and then identify the applicable BBs.
Ramkumar: need to consider cases where we are approached by countries or informed of implementations that have taken place in countries.
Rachel: we should no longer be in a situation where same group is deciding what to build and how to do it.
TAC Review
Ramkumar: specifications for TAC review by early July (wave 3 BB specs). It can take then 4-6 weeks to review, reiterate, finalize etc.
Start with internal review by June before it is shared with TAC team.
Mid-September is the hard deadline to be done with final documentations.
Esther: Nice to document this TAC review process in an email thread with all relevant people in cc. This can help improve the process, schedule relevant meetings to coordinate. Important to also reflect on lessons learnt, best practices to conducting the TAC review.
Ramkumar will sent out an email linking everyone and listing all the relevant action items.
Rachel: Not sure what the value of the first TAC review was it was more of a presentation format. Since this meeting, numerous changes have been made internally without TAC.
Ramkumar: TAC has been helpful. There are political implications. Important to include more countries and representatives to participate in this process. Many of these individuals could also be taking this back to their governments.
Ramkumar: maybe instead of TAC review, it can be called early preview to promote and market.
TAC review list for Wave 3 BBs hasn’t been put together yet.
Wes: need to figure out specific ppl to reach out to for feedback, have a clear process and expectations prior to outreach. This is more relevant for Technical Committee to work on.
PSRAMKUMAR requested to organize and coordinate this.
“EE GOV agency and they have an actual idea what security BB”
Meeting Note Rotation
GIZ, Estonia, Dial (for GIZ), ITU
✅ Action items
Wes Brown track work for Release (Publication) Notes to go with the 1.0 publication
Wes Brown to set up discussion (on GC?) around documents like GERA. These should likely not be considered part of the core “products” but need to find out where they fit
Jaume DUBOIS to create a few slides to document ideas for a GovStack mobile app and update on togo trip
PSRAMKUMAR to gather wave 3 BB use cases and share at upcoming PC