2023-01-09 Meeting notes - Weekly review
2023-01-09 Meeting notes - Weekly review
UV Date
Jan 9, 2023
@Nico Lueck (on vocation)
@Satyajit Suri
@Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated)
@Jonas Bergmeier
@Artun Gürkan
@Priit Puru
@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)
@Akseli Karvinen
@Farina Owusu
@Wes Brown
Overview of last week’s progress and raised questions
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes | Approx. duration | Meeting Notes |
Sandbox team reinforcment | @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) |
| 5 min |
Risk management at Govstack level | Ideation - Who and how it should be alligned between WG and partners? | 10-15 min |
| |
Alignment of iteration fo BB partners and sandbox colloboration/integration | @Satyajit Suri and Sandbox team | Ideation how to do it most effectivly | 10-15 min |
Action items from last weekly
Taylor manages the Govstack account for CircleCI- now clarity about free licence capabilities.
There is a strong risk, that Sandbox will overrun free licence capabilities. > deal with the problem when it occurs > may need additional work.
There is a strong risk, that Sandbox will overrun free licence capabilities. > deal with the problem when it occurs > may need additional work.
General resolution for such kind of concerns > give for response due date and after that continue according to best practice you planned.
@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) Roadmap dis
Retrospective meeting planned
3 Sprint lasts for 3 weeks (02.01.2023)
Cloud setup 1st feedback meeting
Empathy Map → Individual review and feedback
@Priit Puru @jarkkohyoty @Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated) @Akseli Karvinen @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Artun Gürkan @Jonas Bergmeier (@Nico Lueck @Satyajit Suri @Wes Brown )
Example questions for personal review:
How can I counteract pains?
How can I fulfill their desires?
What are other conclusions for the sandbox area I am working on?
In particular, how can I incorporate and, at best, answer the political and economic questions, problems, and goals within the Sandbox (and for Nico/Govstack additionally before, beside and after the Sandbox)?
@Priit Puru @jarkkohyoty @Bert Viikmäe (Deactivated) @Akseli Karvinen @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Artun Gürkan @Jonas Bergmeier (@Nico Lueck @Satyajit Suri @Wes Brown )
Example questions for personal review:
How can I counteract pains?
How can I fulfill their desires?
What are other conclusions for the sandbox area I am working on?
In particular, how can I incorporate and, at best, answer the political and economic questions, problems, and goals within the Sandbox (and for Nico/Govstack additionally before, beside and after the Sandbox)?
Action items
03.01 Retrospective meeting https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ODhmMjk4NDItNjY2OS00MjQ0LTlhODktMTAwZmVhMjNlNDVl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%224b4e036d-f94b-4209-8f07-6860b3641366%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22aadd7fd8-074a-4ae2-a4df-61b3f71401ad%22%7d(adjusted agenda Empathy Map → Individual review and feedback; Mission of Sandbox, Risk management principles in sandbox project)
- Periodically face and review the adequacy of our work against the project goal and mission.
- All team members look through the findings from Empathy map outcomes and analyze from a personal level the takeaways for daily work in the project.
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