Migration of Confluence Content to Gitbook

Target Group: Functional Scope of the Sandbox | Persona: “Maintainer at Government” (Government, technical)

Section 1: How To Recreate the Sandbox

User Stories

  • MEDIUM I want to create self-hosted instance of the sandbox so that I can analyze the system in a safe environment

  • HIGH I want to test the performance and other metrics (e.g. latency, network speed, response time, compression, carbon footprint) so that I can evaluate the potential usage of the architecture.

https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEMO/pages/119046145 (probably to be generalized)
Basic guidelines for building block Sandbox deployment

Section 2: Documentation of the As-Is-State

  • HIGH I want to read an up-to-date documentation (technology stack, licenses, architecture diagram,…) so that I can inform myself about details of use software and architecture.

  • MEDIUM I want to get a blueprint for DevSecOps environment so that I can build up my own BB-based system.

  • MEDIUM I want to see the infrastructure performance requirements that is needed to assess the sustainability of the BB based approach.

A GovStack Instancearchived
GovStack sandbox execution environment
DevSecOps (but rewritten. Not describing the activities but the result)
Infrastructure deployments
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) eg. Happy Flow (cleaned up version describing the Happy Flow)
Building Block EMULATOR

Not to migrate

  • Considerations and explenations on why we decided for something
    -> Confluence Folder "Considerations"

  • Meeting Minutes