USCT - Eligibility Determination
UC-E-USCT-001: Eligibility Determination and Benefit Package(s) Design - Unconditional Social Cash Transfer
ID |
Name |
Description | NOTE: Depending on the country and programme, eligibility determination takes different forms e.g. categorical by age without income screening , poverty-targeted, etc. often via “Proxy Means Test” calculation to screen and rank households by ‘inferred’ income. "Clean" data from a Social Registry that have undergone the data verification and validation step is used to screen eligible beneficiaries and establish the recommended benefit and services ‘package’. The amount of transfer often varies depending on household composition, and beneficiaries may qualify for other add-on services based on analyzed socioeconomic / demographic information being used for other welfare or social programmes. Workflows The following are contextual workflows where the generic transactions support: Client Case Management for determining and assigning benefit packages and benefit levels to specific user groups Data Analysis and Business Intelligence / Decision Support potentially for identifying different benefit levels / types in correlation to target groups’ socioeconomic / demographic information, based on existing eligibility criteria (e.g. via proxy means test, means test or category-based) Also see for a specific example on the ground |
Trigger |
Preconditions | Beneficiary’s case has been assessed Beneficiary’s data has been verified and validated
Note that some preconditions come from the other user journeys and use cases, see steps 2-3 of |
Data inputs |
Actors | SRIS Registry (potential beneficiaries) Benefit and Service Package Registry Benefit administrator Client Case Management Registration(Screenflow) BB application Workflow(Data Analysis and Business Intelligence / Decision Support) BB to delegate scoring to heuristic and/or AI-based scoring engine Security(SSO)
Normal Course (what happens if the event is triggered and the preconditions have been met) | In the case management Registration(Screenflow) application: Admin logs in via Security(SSO) Admin is shown a pool of cases for their team Admin claims a case to work on Admin is shown the case beneficiary’s ‘clean’ data from the Registry(SRIS) Admin is shown the benefit eligibility rules and guidelines from the Registry(Benefit and Service Package) Depending on the exceptions on the case, Admin may request data from for example: Above the age of 18 by checking national ID registry And Unemployed by checking employment registry And Not receiving any income by checking tax registry And Not receiving any social grant by checking the SRIS registry Compute and return a score between 0 and 100, along with the reasons for the computation as booleans for each step, e.g. unemployed is true Admin screens the beneficiary for eligibility in the program Admin approves or declines eligibility Admin can refer beneficiary to another program |
Alternative Course |
Data output |
Post-Conditions (the success criteria) |
Exceptions |
Related BBs |
Cross building block interaction diagram
See the editable version here.
Original DIAL user journey