May 25, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Note

May 25, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Note


@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Aleksander Reitsakas @Satyajit Suri @Taylor Downs @Ravi Prakash V @Steve Conrad @Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated) @Kibuuka, Arnold @Valeria Tafoya @Wes Brown @PSRAMKUMAR @Mauree, Venkatesen @Akseli Karvinen @David Higgins @Paweł Gesek @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) @Ingmar Vali @Vasil Kolev



@Laurence Berry





Review pending action items

 @Esther Ogunjimi

 10 minutes


TECH-654: Updates based on technical reviewDone

 TECH-665: TC action item - 11.05.23Done

TECH-670: Candidate ProductsDone


Review roles and responsibilities

@Steve Conrad

10 minutes

TC Process - Meetings and Responsibilities

Alignment - Sandbox <> BB Implementation - this work is to create alignment with the three BB providers and Sandbox team.

Wave 3 align to BB templates

@Wes Brown

10 minutes


There is template specification in GitBook. For questions please reach out to @Wes Brown or @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)


Sandbox Infrastructure presentation

@Akseli Karvinen

10 minutes

Taylor - when we go to actually use these scripts and set up a sandbox with a particular candidate, how does that work? How does it get tied into the Docker compose file in the candidate of choice?

Akseli - Recommending a pipeline to be created that automates building the image and making it ready to be deployed. Then, give the automation a name for the infrastructure to use and give it ID of the pipeline itself, and give the pipeline access rights to the Kubernetes cluster - this instance is for security and not for there process.

Status update

All Leads

30 minutes

BBs Wave 1&2

  • Digital Registries and Registration BB

    • Discussing how to match those two building blocks with payment building

  • Wave 3

    • eMarketplace

      • API specs are defined and document in the development branch of the e-Marketplace BB.

      • The schemas are defined but having issues representing the 40-60 schemas that need to be defined in a single class diagram

      • The key digital functionalities and functional requirements are completed and will be formatted in the right order

      • The cross cutting requirements are on the to do list

      • First draft will be ready and presented to TC by June 15



  • Testing

    • Carrying out the test data for the BBs

    • Working with OpenIMIS for candidate test


  • Sandbox Team

    • working toward technical  analyze and building MVP implementation roadmap


  • Architecture Team

Working on the cross building block authorisation and authentication questions.

Readiness APIs

@Steve Conrad @Benjamin Balder Bach

10 minutes


Meeting Recording


Action Items

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