Land Records/Cadastre Management
Product Use Case Summary
ID | GIS-2 |
Name | Land Records/Cadastre Management |
Sector | Local Government |
Version | 1.0 |
Status | Draft |
GIS-based cadastral systems are among the most popular GIS applications in many countries. Cadastre systems are typically used to serve administrative mandates such as recording and managing land ownership, tracking land values, and estimating taxes. In addition, cadastre systems are the foundation of many digital government services, such as real estate, rural development, agricultural and forest management, utilities, banks, mortgage applications, and many other services and products.
GIS Land Records/Cadastre Management Systems can provide several benefits to governments and businesses, including:
Improved efficiency: GIS Land Records/Cadastre Management Systems can help improve land administration efficiency by making it easier to access and update land records.
Reduced fraud: GIS Land Records/Cadastre Management Systems can help reduce fraud by making it more difficult to forge land records.
Improved decision-making: GIS Land Records/Cadastre Management Systems can help improve decision-making by providing decision-makers access to accurate and up-to-date land information.
Municipalities, tax authorities, and other local government agencies responsible for land administration
Landowners track the ownership of their land, and assess property taxes and development plans.
Real estate agents, developers, and investors to identify potential development sites, assess the feasibility of projects, and obtain permits.
SDG Targets
1.4: Ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology, and financial services, including microfinance.
11.1: ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums
11.3: enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries
11.7: Provide universal access to safe, inclusive, and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons, and persons with disabilities.
16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.
Building Blocks
Geographic Information Services (GIS)
Source Documents
List of links to documents used to create the use case
1. Land/Parcel Survey Mapping
Land survey mapping (typically carried out by a cadastral surveyor, who must adhere to applicable laws and guidelines to determine parcel boundaries) to produce accurate, legitimate, comprehensive, precise, and readily available records of information regarding legal land rights.
List of the workflows involved in this step, include a description of how the workflow involved
Format: Workflow Name text description
Identification and Registration for locating and tracking users registered in the system.
Building Blocks
2. Land Division/Titling
Record land ownership (titles, deeds, etc.) by digitizing land parcels and storing information about ownership, boundaries, and valuations in a database. This information can be used to generate maps and reports, provide decision support, and prevent fraud and errors.
List of the workflows involved in this step, include a description of how the workflow involved
Format: Workflow Name text description
Identification and Registration for locating and tracking users registered in the system.
Building Blocks
3. Land Valuation and Taxation
Generate maps and reports that show the location and value of land, the current value of the property, the date of valuation, and the factors that were taken into account in the valuation. These maps and reports can be used for various purposes, such as planning, taxation, and development.
List of the workflows involved in this step, include a description of how the workflow involved
Format: Workflow Name text description
Identification and Registration for locating and tracking users registered in the system.
Building Blocks
4. Land Information Audit and Management
Facilitating the management and administration of the land records (e.g., transfer of ownership) to ensure up-to-date information, preventing fraud, identifying errors and inconsistencies in the data, and ensuring compliance with regulations.
List of the workflows involved in this step, include a description of how the workflow involved
Format: Workflow Name text description
Identification and Registration for locating and tracking users registered in the system.
Building Blocks