August 22, 2023 API Testing


Aug 22, 2023


  • @Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

  • @Aneta Pałczyńska (Deactivated)

  • @Beata Zwidryn (Deactivated)

  • @Nico Lueck

  • @Steve Conrad


  • Compliance form process and designs - discuss requirements and next steps

 Discussion topics





Evaluation report flow review

Designs review

  • We’re missing authentication designs.

    • Add login page for reviewers.

    • For now we will add accounts from the backend.

  • We’re missing review designs.

    • It should look like the evaluation summary with notes column for reviewer

    • They should be able to either Reject or Approve

    • Reviewer should also check the level of compliance

  • Evaluation report

Clarify requirements

  • How do we want to add this functionality to the current testing web app ? And should we do it?

    • We should have two menu items

      • One for compliance form - with reports and button to check compliance

      • The second one for API testing purposes(the current website purpose)

  • Authentication

    • Authentication for GovStack team

      • One role for “approver” for all reviewers

    • Providers: Send email with custom link so the user can edit the compliance form once he starts the compliance form + later link to Jira ticket

      • Email would be required in the first step

  • Statuses - do we need more statuses for reviewers? What statuses exactly do we need?

    • Draft

    • In review

    • Published

    • Rejected

  • Compliance Form

    • Either Requirement or Interface Compliance needs to be filled in (deployment is not counted)

  • Date - how should we indicate different evaluation dates in the software?

  • Compliance Level - should we add tooltips to explain what each compliance level means?

  • Saving draft (can be accessed again to finish submitting) - what flow of saving?

Identify any potential gaps

  • What happens if a person submits a form knowing that it does not fulfill a compliance level. Do we still show it? What do we call that state? "Not passed"?

    • It would be “Rejected” state after approver rejects it.

  • What happens if a person submits an empty form? I suggest status "n/a"

    • N/A will be for compliance level for a compliance part that was not submitted.

  • Do we allow comments for each requirement? My impression so far was that people needed to explain why, why not or why partially something it met

    • Yes, it is already included in designs

Next steps


 Action items

Action Items

Responsible party


Action Items

Responsible party









Meeting recording