Data Factory GAP analysis

Data Factory GAP analysis

Draft Oct 18, 2022

GAP analysis contains self assessment by Ukrainian Data Factory product team guided by the Digital Registries team (Ingmar Vali). The assessment took 3 sessions (approximately 6h) and resulted in 54% compliant remark(+ 16 % of requirements that where half done or not possible by the technology chosen). The biggest difference in the Data Factory solution are in the foundational principles:

  1. no-code/ developer driven approach

  2. noSQL/ SQL database platform. 

However, the Data Factory product is serving the same goal as intended by Govstack Digital Registries specifications. Most of the failed requirements can be fulfilled with development. Some of the requirements in Digital Registries BB specification may need additional/updated requirements for SQL structured DB platform(TBD in Digital registries BB).
It must be said, the GAP analysis did not cover Security BB requirements nor Architecture BB requirements. Moreover, it was not possible to evaluate the required API service descriptions. It must be decided if additional GAP analysis is needed to get the full coverage. 


Next steps, Digital Registries Team recommends to test Data Factory product in GovStack Sandbox with following KPI:

  1. ensure that application can be launched via docker with a adaptor and a security server (Information Mediator integration).

  2. check that all defined API endpoints in the openAPI-spec.json return proper response codes.

  3. test API endpoints for DB schema and data.

  4. test UI functionality, CRUD a registry database schema and updates to the registry DB.

  5. test UI functionality, CRUD data of the registry DB.

  6. test multiple registries in one instance (multi-tenant). Ensure that system enables to create multiple registry databases in one system.

  7. test user rights management.

  8. test log system.

  9. test swagger page.

  10. test schema import and export.

  11. test data import and export.



Ingmar Vali
Digital registries BB