Consent delegation
Ain Aaviksoo July 14, 2023 at 9:18 AM
Temporarily assigned to to update the description with more details of the use-cases and request
Ain Aaviksoo July 14, 2023 at 9:17 AM
If the owner of the information I need another person to handle instead of me, I should be able to nominate the person who has different rights
Consent BB can “define” and “capture” in the agreement, what and how the agreement must be fulfilled, but cannot control the identity or the roles who are participating in data processing
the data model must reflect the identity of the person who signed and person about whom he signed agreement is about
Consent BB should be able to ask the relationship between the delegate and the subject who delegated her rights
In a bank one can sign a document by giving the authority to act on behalf of herself to someone else - can this be used in our case, too
An individual authorizing another individual to consent on their behalf