Rework Section 9 - Workflows


  • This is nothing like any of the other Workflow sections, need to decide on a format

  • Workflows should not, in my opinion, be organized around specific use cases

    • Perhaps this content can be used as the basis for the Use Case Example Implementations?



Wes Brown February 17, 2023 at 1:51 AM

Can we please keep our comments in the issues they are related to? It is very quickly going to be difficult to keep track of what is being said where otherwise.

Regarding your specific comments - in general, content that I suggest should be removed from the spec would be moved into confluence. While I am not sure of the specific content that you are referring to (please feel free to comment on specific Jira issues for more direct followup), most of my suggestions about key decisions were to remove conversational or background-type information that doesn’t, in my opinion, belong in a specification. Instead, I think that this type of content belongs in confluence as a historical record of why decisions were made, should that information ever be useful.

PSRAMKUMAR February 14, 2023 at 2:30 PM

There are use-case workflows and there are internal workflows. We can move
the use-case workflows to use-case example documents.
But the internal workflows for each service will have to remain in the
specs document.
It looks like there are suggestions to remove key decisions, data model,
Again, the data models are generic enough for a mvp data set needed in by
the services. Keep them in.
This is not just for scheduler, all BBs have such data sets. For example in
messaging, they know to send a message what minimum fields are required in
a generic manner.
And then there are suggestions to remove key decisions - we should lose
this information. Where else should it be parked such that people know why
some critical decisions made that have manifested the specs in a
certain way?
Now all of these can be continuously improved. If you put them in different
docs one must maintain updates in all bits and keep them cross linked with
version control.
Think how and who to maintain this?

Wes Brown February 14, 2023 at 2:21 PM

I assume that you are referring to my comment regarding workflows not being organized around use cases. If so, here is what I mean by that: At the building block level we should be concerned with overall functionality and not use case-specific functions. By organizing the workflows by Use Case, we are likely to repeat the definitions for functionality and make it seem like that functionality is somehow tied to specific use cases, rather than being general-purpose functionality that is utilized to accomplish any use cases which require those operations.

Esther Ogunjimi February 14, 2023 at 10:09 AM

I just want to call your attention to Ramkumar’s comment below

PSRAMKUMAR February 14, 2023 at 3:13 AM

need to discuss with Wes to understand his perspective in this comment.

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Created February 10, 2023 at 10:30 PM
Updated February 27, 2023 at 7:16 AM