Events: | | WSIS Caroline will put together speaker promos in Canva, Adobe Prize: almost ready to decide winner, Margus will inform when Nele’s scores are in Digital Leaders Forum: countries identified but need to invite and confirm speakers Web template for post-event story-telling (Digital Leaders + WSIS prize)
Bangalore co:develop event Hani’s email requesting to know if anyone else is speaking and also align around 1 common position regarding other initiatives e.g., co-develop, the digital convergence initiative, etc. There is another team from GIZ going (Social Protection) Nora will kick off a meeting for Jake, Margus, Hani, etc. to discuss
G20 Summit for Democracy Transform Africa Merging Digital Leaders Forum + DPI + Smart Africa on Data Exchange Nora will share Concept Note once re-written Need to confirm (local) staff / spokespeople
GovTech (Germany) - April 17-18 GIZ organizing panel on digitalization Invited Yolanda, Nele Strong presence from German start-ups, looking to host a private sector focused event for how we can partner May need support for invites, etc.
ID4Africa Share Events list with regional teams where possible to see if plans / interest to attend