Registration of the beneficiary candidate and evaluation of eligibility. In this step, citizen is registered to SRIS - Social Registration Information System where eligibility evaluated, linked to the suitable benefit program in BOMS - Beneficiary Operations Management System and payment request created.
Initial plan is to use OpenIMIS as registration building block:for involving actual BB candidates:
Payment processing handled by MIFOS BB https://mifos.gitbook.io/docs/payment-hub-ee/overview/example
Payment request initiated by OpenIMIS BB (see https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEMO/pages/179601480/Registration#Normal-course-of-registration-in-MVP )
Materials from here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IZh5FQIqgmVkk7KU0ui8ETVaFawfsT-DFO8Zql6G-mU/edit#slide=id.g1177a058de2_0_10
DB | Data |
Users |
CR - Citizen Registry |
SRIS - Social Registry Information System |
BOMS - Beneficiary Operations Management System |
IFMS - Integrated Finance Management Information System |
Trigger is the event that triggers the BB action. In this phase there are four triggers based on user actions in UI: