Adapters and their use in Sandbox and Testing Procedures
Integration of DIAL Catalog, Testing Harness and Sandbox
DIAL Catalog integration in Frontend Simulation
Using API Tests in Sandbox
Idea: Extend Testing Harness to Deployment etc. by Sandbox Team
Practical enactment of compliance concept, detailed instructions to give partners
Additional UX assets: Reusable UX patterns
Learnings from bringing Specs into practice
Reality Check: With all the assets planned so far (compliance concept, testing harness, adapters,...), can we forecast, if the envisioned marketplace or software products is realistic? Or will we get stuck with 1-2 solutions because of the needed resource Investments.
Feedback to Spec work: From an implementer perspective, what would be expected?
Collaboration and general principles for the future (what could speed up the Govstack idea to evolve)
Review/Update deliverables for MVP
Review/Update timelines for MVP delivery
Discuss the Roadmap after the MVP
How do we scale this work so that future use cases do not require significant effort to implement?
✅ Action items
⤴ Decisions