Introduction Nico Lueck (3 Min)
Enter the sandbox Page Nico Lueck (2 Min)
USCT Demo/clickthrough with explanation - Which BBs are used (Nico Lueck and Vladislav Todorov for payment part and Oleksii Danyliuk jarkkohyoty Identification BB) (10min)
DIY demonstration Nico Lueck (10 min)
RPC Layer Vasil Kolev
USCT Oleksii Danyliuk
DevOps/Infrastructure (Nico Lueck jarkkohyoty ) (5min)
General Front-End Introduction - Construction Permit (Priit Puru Artun Gürkan) (10min)
Follow Methodology - Service Design (Artun Gürkan Priit Puru )
Outlook/Roadmap (3 min)
Construction Permit RPC Backend
Building Blocks: (OpenIMIS), Consent
Infra: Autoscaling
Current Problems/Pain Points - BB where do we fail Vasil Kolev (3 min)
BB Deployment not Automated
Expectations without Specifications or Implementations (e.g. IAM)
Q&A (10min)