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titleAsia Pasific
Use cases
Introduction and Guidance on GS adoption
Assessment of Country Context and Needs
Capacity Development
In practice
Service and Design Prototyping
SP4 - Service design, SP5 - System Integration, SP6 - SandBox replication, SP7 - RFP development, SP8 - GovExchange




(tick) SP1; (tick) SP3

(tick) SP4; (tick) SP5

Priortiy use case:

  1. MEA Attestation for School Record (prototyping using Joget)

  • Collaboration between a2i, MoIT, Bangladesh and GovStack

  • GovStack has run a series of virtual capacity building workshops to familiarise Bangladesh with GovStack (GovSpecs, GovLearn, GovTest)

  • a2i has demonstrated their capabilities and a few live cases of implementation of their inhouse workflow engine

  • a2i has also presented a high level draft of priority use cases and sought GovStack’s support in localizing and implementing GovStack architecture to suit Bangladesh’s context by piloting Food Card Application using GovStack principles and specifications

  • GovStack has stood up a core team to collaborate with a2i in building a working prototype for the FCA use case. It will also help GovStack leverage their workflow builder for future GovStack use cases

  • a2i has begun collaborating with GovStack for the prototyping exercise using MoFA use case for issuance of digital education certificates for easy application for Visa.

National Deepdive to be held from to





  • MPTC, Cambodia has identified 2 building blocks - Digital Identity and Workflow. Use cases are yet to be identified.

  • Shown interest for a GovStack workshop, starting from overview and digital services prioritization exercise through technical specifications of GovStack building blocks

  • Requested ITU's support with developing a compliance report for Camunda against Workflow Building Block technical specs

  • Requesting ITU's support in developing the best practices, policies and governance structures for implementing National Digital Identity Program

Post the mission in Dec 2023, DGC, MPTC has requested for collaboration in the below specific areas

  • Development of an interoperability framework

  • Validation of Cambodia’s Digital ID plans and policies

  • Development of compliance report in accordance with the GovStack specifications for Digital ID and Workflow building blocks

  • Leveraging GovStack sandbox for protoyping their use cases

The GovStack and Enterprise Architecture Workshop was held on 13 and 14th December 2023 at Digital Government Committee, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPTC), Cambodia.  The training workshop was organized by the ITU in collaboration with Digital Government Centre and MPTC, Cambodia. 

The workshop program was led by Mr Nabhonil Roy Chowdhury, ITU (in person) and delivered together with a pool of experts, who joined virtually -

  • Mr. Jaume Dubois, ID30, GovStack Digital ID Expert

  • Dr. PS Ramkumar, GovStack Enterprise Architecture BB Lead

  • Mr. Farai Mutero, GovStack Workflow BB Lead

  • Nico Lueck, GIZ, GovStack Sandbox Lead

Next mission planned for GovTech Conference on Oct 17.


Lao PDR🇱🇦



  • PMO Dashboard (Scoping)

  • 15-17 May 2023 Lao PDR GovStack Workshop

  • 6-10 May 2024 Mission to Lao planned with the below agenda -

  • PMO Dashboard requirement collection

  • GovStack engagement with Stakeholders

  • Lao PDR and ITU engagements


Papua New Guinea🇵🇬


(tick) SP1; (tick) SP3

(tick) SP4; (tick) SP5

  • Digital Identity (Scoping)

As an outcome of the Nov mission, DICT, PNG has requested for support with the following

  • Build the architecture of the citizen portal

  • Build priority, cross sectoral digital services using GovStack

  • GovStack has stood up a core team to collaborate with DICT in building a working prototype for Police eClearance service, and 2 more use cases from health and education sectors. The outcome of this prototyping exercise will be building technical capacity to help DICT go from GovStack specifications to procuring systems locally/internationally

  • Prototyping exercise with collaboration with DICT for Police eClearance user service is underway. As a part of it -

  • GovStack Design Team (Vasil, Artun, Rounak and Neil) are providing advisory on how to capture the as-is user journey, identify the painpoints and then create the to-be user journey and the resultant service blueprint for the Police eClearance service. Once the service blueprint for the final version of the police clearance service is determined, the exercise will move into a prototyping phase using Joget. The objective is for the stakeholders to realize how the end service will look like in action. This will be followed by the capturing the requirements in FRS doc.

  • 13-24 Nov Neil Regional Coordinator ITU

  • 20-30 Nov Ashish ITU Program officer

  • 20-25 Nov Jaume Working Group Lead ID BB
