Fill out this form to request a Change to an existing specification. See the complete process in context /wiki/spaces/~615604c2bfa2c1006b775001/pages/1129316360.
New Building Block Proposal
Proposed Name | [Proposed name for this Building Block] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Status |
(For use by the GovSpec Core Team only) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Date Submitted | [YYYY-MM-DD] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Requestors | [Name], [Email], [Affiliation] [Name], [Email], [Affiliation] [Name], [Email], [Affiliation] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Building Block Type | [Foundational/Feature/Guidelines/Cross-Cutting] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Building Block Proposal Description | [Context or justification for the creation of this building block] [Solution statement that briefly describes this building block] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Interaction with other Building Blocks | [Name of building block] - [Name of functionality with which it interacts] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Existing solutions on the market | [Name] - [URL] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Known APIs | [Name] - [URL] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Existing related policies | [Name] - [URL] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Known related standards | [Name] - [URL] |
Existing Building Block Change proposal
Minor version for the specification: Non-breaking changes to existing version by adding new features or extending existing ones.
Major version of the specifications: Breaking changes are being proposed. Below is a list of examples of breaking changes, which often go together (changes in the data model require changes in the API):
Semantic understanding of a BB is fundamentally changed by non-compatible Terminology
Key Digital Functionalities are eliminated or split into new ones,
The requirement levels of Cross-Cutting Requirements or Functional Requirements are changed, or new mand-atory requirements are added
Changes in the Data Model are needed which require the elimination or splitting of a existing resource, or the addition of a new required resource is needed.
The Service API model requires the release of a new version
Building Block Impacted | [Name of BB] - [Version] - [URL] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Status |
(For use by the GovSpec Core Team only) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Date Submitted | [YYYY-MM-DD] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Requestors | [Name], [Email], [Affiliation] [Name], [Email], [Affiliation] [Name], [Email], [Affiliation] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Type of change proposed | [Minor Version/Major Version] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Change Request details | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Change Proposal Description | [Context or justification for the change proposal] [Solution statement that briefly describes the scoped proposed] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Optional Details | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Section 3. Terminology | [Rough description of changes] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Section 4. Key digital functionalities | [Rough description of changes] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Section 5. Cross-Cutting Requirements | [Rough description of changes] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Section 6. Functional Requirements | [Rough description of changes] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Section 7. Data Structures | [Rough description of changes] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Section 8. Service APIs | [Rough description of changes] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Section 9. Internal Workflows | [Rough description of changes] | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Addition of section OPTIONAL | [Description of section title and its contents] |