BB Leads will be part of the product committee as POs. Wes Brown will meet with the BB leads to understand the roadmap.
BB group Standup
BB Leads
50 minutes
Schedular BB
API will be uploaded to Satyajit Suri however there is no use cases to test schedular BB.
Onboarded openID foundation member to the working group.
ID BB will be presenting to a wider audience - product, technical and architecture team of the openID.
First version of the MOSIP demo is completed. There will be meeting with Ingmar and Hani to discuss what will be integrated in the demo, to figure out the next step that MOSIP should work on.
Good progress on the ongoing procurement of IDV.
There are different types of user that should be taken into account; which are users which authenticate with service device and users which authenticate with individual device.
Payment BB
Testing APIs with B2G but starting with P2G first with the GSMA mobile money API. GSMA will be presenting next week how payment BB can make use of their stimulator and how the stimulator can be integrated into the GS sandbox environment.
Has G2P payroll and benefits use cases and it covers for teachers but does not have use cases for community health workers yet. The flow will be reviewed.
Currently, there is no gateway API but will be working Satyajit Suri on how to resolve this.
Messaging BB
Gone through API description while awaiting Satyajit Suri feedback.
It will follow the logic of the social transfer UCs and will be testing for P2G first and later G2P.
Information Mediator BB
Had review meeting on roadmap - with focus on whether to include an adapter in IM and making use of service buses.
Consent BB
API review almost done (a couple of notification-related to be added in the coming week). Link to the Consent API
Moving forward with GIZ sandbox contract and it will be live by first week in November.
For the BB - procurement process is in flight and all queries will be handle by the procurement team.
End to end test - this is use case level test and it complete with registration app, also to test IM. This will be carried out in parallel to the existing use case development, testing and stub develop which are already in progress across BBs.
Martin Karner requested to include on the agenda for the next meeting, time slot to discuss the overview of the other BB, creating stubs and the timelines.
Invite groups of experts to discuss the different channel of communication for IM BB