
Basic Facts

  • Population: 7,749,595

  • GDP (PPP) : USD 74.309 Billion, GDP per capita: USD 9,800, Gini: 36.4, HDI: 0.607

  • Government type: Unitary Marxist-Leninist one-party socialist republic, President and General Secretary, Vice President, Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly

  • Official Languages: Lao, Religion: 66.0% Buddhism, 30.7% Tai folk religion, 1.5% Christianity, 1.8% Others / None

Source: Laos Wikipedia Page

Digital Development indicators

  • Internet coverage: 62 (WB)

  • e-Governenment Index (Rank): 159 (EGDI)

Country Implementation Roadmap and related info

  • Country Engagement framework

  • Country Engagement Roadmap on CO-Lao project

  • Meeting notes


Scope of work

Who’s Who of GovStack Country Engagement Team

Who’s Who of GovStack Country Engagement Team





@Hans Christian Ende

@Nico Lueck

@Cora Bay

@Nabhonil, Roy

@Eskandar, Hani

@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)

@Shukla, Ayush

@Narayan, Ashish