
The GovStack Initiative is a multi-stakeholder initiative led by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Estonia, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL). 

The initiative actively seeks partnerships with governments, agencies, private sector organizations and the open-source community.

The initiative is organized and managed using three committees:


The governance committee consists of representatives of GovStack’s founding partners and is responsible for the implementation of GovStack’s mission. It approves significant actions within the Initiative, monitors, reviews, and informs the wider community on ongoing activities. The Committee works in conjunction with the Product and Technical committees.


The Product team works with countries and communities to understand their use cases and requirements, identifying those that may be added to the overall ontology initially presented in the SDG Digital Investment Framework. The team manages the roadmap and requirements for GovStack’s use cases, workflows, and building blocks. 


The Technical Committee works closely with the Product Committee to understand the use cases and requirements and make the corresponding technical decisions and recommendations needed to advance GovStack. This concerns everything from building block specifications to the implementation of demo use cases in our Sandbox.

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