a. Get aware and assess relevance
Learn about GovStack and get aware of compliance opportunity (Event, Website, Impact Exchange)
Inform about Compliance Process (GovStack.global)
Select matching BB(s) to own Software Product (Gitbook)
b. Conduct and publish Self-Assessment
See Software Compliance Concept
Conduct either one or all of the compliance checks: (you may follow Instructions for Software Requirements Compliance )
Deployment Compliance: Fill in form with link to container and documentation (testing.GovStack.global)
Interface Compliance: Provide report of the executed test harness (testing.GovStack.global Steps to check compliance against a GovStack API spec )
Requirement Specification Compliance: Fill in form with conducted FitGap Analysis (testing.GovStack.global)
Submitting one of the above creates a Jira Ticket, notification that ticket is being created.
Wait for verification of submission regarding completeness and plausibility by GovStack Team (Track via Jira Ticket)
c. Offer your Software
Once software achieves at least Requirement Specification or Interface Compliance category level 1, the software gets listed with e.g. a badge visualizing the degree of compliance and a link to testing.GovStack.global (GovStack.global and mid-term Impact Exchange)
d. Take Opportunities
Get contacted by governments or other clients via GovExchange contact details
Monitor GovExchange RFP Radar, apply and demonstrate compliance in a transparent manner via linking to GovExchange
Create a “Vendor Storefront” to increase visibility and state offered services/products more clearly
Jira process management
Jira will be used to keep everyone aware of the progress of a self-assessment, as follows:
There will be a new project, Compliance, with a custom set of stages for issues in that project.
Issues don’t store data about the actual compliance application, only it’s progress and links to the application from as stored in testing.govstack.global
When a new self-assessment from is created, even just the most basic information like who is making the self-assessment and for what software, the backend for that form creates an issue in the project, including a title detailing who is making the assessment and a link to the assessment. The Self-assessment Started status is set
It is likely that a govstack team member would like to contact the person submitting the form to offer help at this stage
The form stores the Jira issue number on testing.govstack.global so that it knows which issue to update on progress
Any discussions should be documented as comments on the issue
When a self-assessor wants to put their system onto the testing harness, they tap a button on the form that asks for help to that.
The form updates the issue status to Ready for testing
A govstack team member notices the status of an issue is at Ready for testing, contacts the self-assessor and begins collaboration work staging their system
When a self-assessor has fully completed the form and wishes to initiate a review, they tap a button on the form requesting a review
The form sets the issue status to Needs Review
When a govstack team member notices a review is needed, they make the review and note any needed feedback in the Jira issue as comments, inviting the self-assessor to the issue and working with them to resolve the comments
When the govstack team member and the self-assessor agree that all the comments have been met, they mark the issue as Successful
A govstack member works with the self-assessor to ensure that links to their software and organisation are correctly represented in our systems, detailing the successful self-assessment. The Jira issue is then marked Done.