Onboarding Page Content 20.03.2023

Participants: @Farina Owusu @Arielle Diamond @Martha Vasquez

Figma Link: https://www.figma.com/file/tq8VOr1v9LabYEbAZxVbvs/GovStack-Sandbox?node-id=1%3A17&t=HrIOWyIa3BBUeGBA-1







Positioning of the onboarding page on the GovStack global website.

  • Where will the page be positioned?

    • it could be placed in the header section/resources dropdown

    • Simulation will get its own section in the dropdown

    • Simulation will additionally be mentioned on “GovStack” help as a chip/tag

  • What information is required to highlight the onboarding page?

    • Short description of the SDGs

    • Use cases and made up country

  • Layout requirements

    • Layout components will be provided by the vendor.

  • The onboarding page targets two different personas

  • The Sandbox would be on “offering page” or “GovStack products”
    Sandbox and Simulation separately

  • Will the Sandbox itself have its own onboarding page?



About GovStack or

  • What information do we want to show?

    • What the relevance of the use cases for GovStack is

    • Use case - could be expanded with real use case information in the future

Find the right component, which would be fitting for this explanation.

The agency/vendor, GovStack is currently working with for the redesign of the Website is creating different web components to reuse.

Media components is covered by the agency. They will provide us with images, icons, etc.

Content Simulation and contextual help

  • What content do we need to display?

    • Simulation steps/process will get a more fitting description

  • Will there be more simulations?

    • Maybe a country use cases, developed with country partners (see action items)

  • Context switch for the contextual panel

    • The position of the switch on the context help is crucial, since the user could be confused about the context switch.

    • Explore the whole simulation as a civil servant or user/citizen. At the end you're promted to see it from the other side.

    • contextual help should orient itself on the Dial catalogue recommendation wizard

There is already a documented description in confluence available. Farina will send the link.



  • Do we need additional information?

    • it seems perfect as it is right now, the task of the two actors could be changed for future simulations

  • both actors are fitting but the “citizen” should get a new name since it could exclude certain groups of people


  • Where do we send user after the simulation? More country examples? Best Practices?

    • The user should get the option to chose between “More technical depth” and “Sandbox”

The two options are not defined yet! Those are just examples.


Action Items

@Farina Owusu will clarify if there will be more simulations in the future.
@Martha Vasquez needs to clarify with @Nico Lueck if we should mention the sandbox on the onboarding page or not.