Use cases - Workflow - BB Mapping

The analyse was conducted based on DIAL catalogue. These use cases on the catalogue are not what will be used by GovStack once the in-progress use case template is finalized and adopted. Eventually, the content in the catalog will be replaced with the GovStack use cases.


The GovStack approach includes reusing the same components (BBs) in multiple government e-services -instead of constantly reinventing the wheel- reduces cost, opens digital siloes, and makes coordination easier. To understand how these BBs are used in different services, the UseCase - Workflow - BBs Map was created based on the information on Digital Impact Alliance -Catalog of Digital Solutions.

Use Cases and Steps define what an individual or system will undertake in order to achieve a business objective. Each Uses Case is connected to the responding Workflow. These Workflows are defined by abstracting similar business processes from multiple Use Cases into a single generic process that can be applied to related activities across sectors.

Building Blocks provides key functionality to facilitate these generic WorkFlows across multiple sectors. BBs are software modules that can be deployed and combined in a standardized manner which provides key functionality facilitating generic workflows. Each building block is capable of working independently, but they can be combined to do much more.

Therefore, through the mapping, it is easier to realize which BBs are needed to provide key functionalities to facilitate workflows and which generic processes are needed for various use steps. It will also show common BBs and workflows that have been used in different steps.

Data sources

For the mapping Use cases - Workflow - BBs relationship, DIAL Catalog was used.

  • Each of the use cases, their description, responding user case steps, workflows and BBs were written on the map.

  • On DIAL Catalog, each use case step was connected with certain workflows (Example: Image 1). The same workflows also can be seen in different use case steps. These connections were created on the map while color-coding the workflows and their connection lines. Through the mapping, it was shown which workflow connected to which use case steps.

Image 1: “Promotion of mother and child care community incentive program” Use case steps and workflows that are needed to facilitate this step
  • In addition to the use case steps, workflows are also connected to certain building blocks (Example: Image 2). The same BBs can be seen in different workflows. Hence, connections were created between the building block and workflow with the same color-coding.

Image 2: “Client Case Management” Workflow and Building Blocks that provide key functionality for this workflow

Use cases - Workflow - BB Relationship Map

This map was created based on DIAL Catalog, and it is not the final version. The list of Use cases, workflows, and BBs is not exhaustive, and more will be added in future releases.

This map shows the Govstack approach regarding reusing the same components (BBs) in various government services through the example use cases. Through the map, it can be seen which building blocks can facilitate or produce generic business processes for various cases and workflows, how these cases are connected, and how different generic workflows can support generic transactions of different use case steps.

Questions / Thoughts

  • Increasing the variety of use case steps or use cases does not affect the building blocks.

  • It is not clear whether every building block that is connected to the workflow is needed or not to facilitate that workflow.

  • It is not clear if the BBs can be applied to the use case steps or not without facilitating any workflow.

  • Based on the discussions during the meetings, there are certain core BBs, such as security and Information Mediator BBs. The role of these BBs for use case steps or Workflows is not clear on the relationship map.