September 08, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes


  • @Satyajit Suri

  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)


  • @Esther Ogunjimi

  • @Aleksander Reitsakas

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Wes Brown

  • @Max Carlson



  • @Jake Watson

  • @Martin Karner

  • @Jaume DUBOIS

Previous Action Items

Action Item

Action Item

@Satyajit Suri to meet with @Taylor Downs to validate the test strategy and other BB Leads done
Meeting with the architecture team and the consent BB team - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)Pending
Excel summary of all the BB roadmaps to be sent to @PSRAMKUMARPending
@PSRAMKUMAR to collate all roadmaps and present an overall map on 08/09/2022 Pending
@PSRAMKUMAR to feedback on the outcome of the meeting with consent BB team and architecture team pending
Add procurement agenda for the next meeting pending
Send mail to BB leads to prioritize their first set of test cases based on the use cases and present in the next meeting - @PSRAMKUMAROngoing





Meeting Notes






Recap previous action items

@Esther Ogunjimi

10 minutes


Update on gitbook/github transition roadmap for all bb specifications of wave 1 and 2

@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

10 minutes

Wave 1 specifications is published on Gitbook 0.9.0 release. There will be provision for the other waves to be able to create their specifications in Gitbook as to just publishing the doc after working in a different environment. This will help to track the changes, the contributors and not to loose their contributions' data. This will be completed by the end of September.

Update on compilation of API for testing. Discussion on prioritizing first set to be pipelined from each bb. 

@Satyajit Suri

15 minutes

Consolidating APIs across all BB

API prioritization will be carried out at the next weekly meeting.

Ongoing is just the API stand alone test. Then integration testing with IM and compatibility test with other APIs.

Update on current work progress and cross dependencies and help needed if any for all 9 BBs

@all BB Leads

45 minutes - 5 minutes for each BB

Messaging BB

  • Communicated API-s & descriptions to Satya who has consolidated the list

  • Had meeting on resources and roadmap excel earlier this week and will finish by Friday.

  • An additional expert to sign in the GovStack project and Messaging BB in order to beef up our technical team. 



  • IDBB internal demo by MOSIP postponed to next week

  • First WG meeting with OIDC member will take place next week

  • IDBB procurement selection process finishing, additional resources recruitment for IDBB should start next week


Schedular BB

  • Written 40 APIs but it will be reduced as per priority


Workflow BB

  • All specs converted to markdown.

  • Cumunda is running.


Consent BB

  • Concluding API review and will be testing as next step.


Information Mediator BB

  • Demo environment and creating different sandboxes is ongoing.

Procurement update


10 minutes




Meeting recording


Action Items

@PSRAMKUMAR and @Taylor Downs to review IM roadmap with @Aleksander ReitsakasPENDING
Excel summary of all the BB roadmaps to be sent to @PSRAMKUMARSep 15, 2022Pending
Meeting with the architecture team and the consent BB team Sep 15, 2022 - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)PENDING
Excel summary of all the BB roadmaps to be sent to @PSRAMKUMARPending
@PSRAMKUMAR to collate all roadmaps and present an overall map on Pending
@PSRAMKUMAR to feedback on the outcome of the meeting with consent BB team and architecture team Sep 15, 2022pending
@Satyajit Suri to confirm from Registration BB Lead @Ingmar Vali if the APIs are GovStack open APIs and integration ticket.
Add procurement agenda for the next meeting pending
Send mail to BB leads to prioritize their first set of test cases based on the use cases and present in the next meeting - @PSRAMKUMAROngoing
@PSRAMKUMAR to set up meeting with @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) , @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated), and other BB leads that might be interest - to use Gitbook
All BB leads to imports all specifications and other docs from google drive to Gitbook Sep 30, 2022

