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Overall Objective: The community has been led to improve the quality of GovSpecs (esp. cross-cutting and foundational BB specifications) and at least 2 software solutions comply to updated foundational BBs.


Key Results with Prio “High”

  1. New releases of at least 5 specifications have been published.

    1. Update ID related BBs

    2. Update Registry BB

    3. Update IM BB

    4. Updated cross-cutting requirements

    5. First release Wallet BB

  2. The release process has been improved and conducted.

    1. A RFC has been drafted and is part of the regular release process.

Key Results with Prio “Mid”

  1. Requirement specifications and compliance testing for non-BB software applications have been published (e.g. a scenario of a software application from a sector

  2. The content and structure of PAERA and Implementation Playbook have been improved in a new release.

    1. e.g. Simplified version or graphic, make vlaue prop understandable


Key Results with Prio “High”

  1. Value Proposition of GovMarket (esp. BB software) is more digestible and communicable for community, external and internal team members.

  2. Outreach activities to 50 software provider advertising have been conducted (desirable after update to specs).

  3. The compliance criteria have been adjusted after the update of the cross-cutting requirements and foundational BB (e.g. Level 1 = 100% required requirements).

  4. The Compliance WebApp has been updated to include the revised quality criteria.

Key Results with Prio “Mid”

  1. A regular communication with software and service providers of GovMarket has been established to exchange expectations or communicate updates on GovStack

    1. e.g. feedback on deep dives

    2. e.g. inform about promotional activities

    3. Communicate value to software providers better

  2. A concept for companies/freelancer without GovStack experience or contributions to become GovStack service providers has been drafted and shared with the GC.


Key Results with Prio “Mid”

  1. The sandbox's organisational home (e.g. new entity), the value proposition and the future development plan is agreed upon GovStack members.

  2. The sandbox's infrastructure has been exchanged to a "Cloud Infrastructure BB"-compliant software solutions.

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