Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.

Objective 1: The


activity and motivation of the community has been increased through


active guidance of working groups and communication in meet-ups.

Key Results:

  •  2025 roadmap and recent technical decisions/developments are shared in one Community Meetup.


  •  The wallet working group has published the first release of the wallet BB.


  •  The


  • identity working group


  • committed new and updated content to the “development” branch of Identity BB.


  •  Architecture Working Group published a agreed document to state the value proposition and requirements from business and market side to be incorporated.


  •  Architecture Working Group committed new and updated content to the “development” branch of


  • Architecture Specs.

Objective 2: Processes, Roles &


Responsibilities around working group and release management have been updated and improved.

Key Results

  •  A RFC process is defined and described on a confluence page


Update “Roles and Process” on confluence


Change version name of 24QXX to actual version number? Kristo Vaher

Structure/readibabilty of methdological guides

Objective 3: The structure and readability of GovStack’s methodological guides has been improved.

  •  PAERA release version 1.0 (with at least improved menu structure)


  •  Implementation Playbook release version 1.0 (with at least new content structure for improved readability)

Objective 4: GovMarket


is prepared for adapting to changed requirements and broader outreach.

  •  GIZ has issued a new contract with a software developer company to maintain Compliance WebApp


  • .
  •  A document and presentation material is created to communicate the value proposition of GovMarket to software providers.


  •  Proposal for regular communication (content and frequency) is drafted.