OKR Q1/2025
Objective 1: The activity and motivation of the community has been increased through active guidance of working groups and communication in meet-ups.
Key Results:
2025 roadmap and recent technical decisions/developments are shared in one Community Meetup.
The wallet working group has published the first release of the wallet BB.
The identity working group committed new and updated content to the “development” branch of Identity BB.
Architecture Working Group published a agreed document to state the value proposition and requirements from business and market side to be incorporated.
Architecture Working Group committed new and updated content to the “development” branch of Architecture Specs.
“Definition of Ready” and “Definition of Done” of Working Groups and Specifications are published.
Objective 2: Processes, Roles & Responsibilities around working group and release management have been updated and improved.
Key Results
A RFC process is defined and described on a confluence page.
The Specification Development Roles and Processes has been updated with new roles descriptions and the RFC process.
Objective 3: The structure and readability of GovStack’s methodological guides has been improved.
PAERA release version 1.0 (with at least improved menu structure)
Implementation Playbook release version 1.0 (with at least new content structure for improved readability)
Objective 4: GovMarket is prepared for adapting to changed requirements and broader outreach.
GIZ has issued a new contract with a software developer company to maintain Compliance WebApp.
A document and presentation material is created to communicate the value proposition of GovMarket to software providers.
Proposal for regular communication (content and frequency) is drafted.