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\uD83E\uDD45 Agenda






20 mins

Wallet Building Block - Progress & Status


10 min

Feedback of Tech Community MeetUp

Shukla, Ayush

View file
name240312_Feedback_1st GovStack Tech Community MeetUp (1).pptx

  • Shukla, Ayush sharing Feedback Doc

  • Martha Mundas We are working on actionable recommendations from the feedback provided. Feel free to provide any recommendations you may have

10 min

Topics of future scope of WGs


  • Ask present WGs to provide a list of topics for future scope of respective WG to PSRAMKUMAR and Martha Mundas in order to target potential new contributors/experts precisely

  • Martin Karner

    • Requesting experts that have XP in terms of building asynchronous engine.

    • Nico Lueck we have partners that are deving voice chatbots on Open Language Models.

    • Nico Lueck Rapid pro was inserting solution in compliance tool, they made a mistake. We are trying to reach out to them to correct it. Haven't heard from them since.

    • Farai Mutero We require feedback from country implementation teams. This will allow us to ID parts of specs that need rework or update.

      • PSRAMKUMAR these are early stages of discovery. But in most discussions,

        • we converged on workflow as a backend element, client side workflow can be covered. This will make the spec more comprehensive.

        • In most of the cases we will be better off with a few examples that demo for workflow BB.

    • Aleksander Reitsakas from IM BB we will like XP in data spaces. Will share a few links with Nico Lueck on this role.

    • Shukla, Ayush to collect the future scopes from Confluence for each BB for review by PSRAMKUMAR and Martha Mundas

    • Martha Mundas lets define the GovStack technical vision and have Nico Lueck present it in the next TC. Nico Lueck will provide a brief outlook

    • Steve Conrad best if we have the specs reviewed by external folk. Can we do an outreach to CDPI or DPGA etc.

    • Martin Karner has a person that has interest in reviewing specs, based on their interest shown previously.

    • Wes Brown on incentives that can be given to experts: A recognition of being competent in the field.

20 mins

Status Update from WG Leads

Wallet BB:

  • 2 months into work, we realise there is a big need for wallets.

📹 Meeting Recording


✅ Action items
