2023-12-15 - Weekly Update

About this document: Agenda and notes are kept in the same document, a separate copy of the document is maintained for each meeting. Please add agenda points before the meeting. Action items created in previous meeting and all other unresolved action items are kept in the document. Please tick off any completed items.

Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/rsf-cqaq-eyq ordinary starting time at 07:45 UTC / 09:45 CET / 13:15 IST


  • @Ain Aaviksoo (meeting facilitator)

  • @Benjamin Balder Bach (note keeper)

  • @Lal Chandran (out)

  • @PSRAMKUMAR (out)

  • @Philippe Page

  • @George J Padayatti (out)

Meeting Notes







Kanban board + Action points from last week


  • Consent BB Spec 2.0 scoping (to be cont’d)


General update (5 min)



Acknowledge the progress of DDX solution

@Ain Aaviksoo

From the working group’s point of view, we observe great progress in the solution and our only main concern is around testing (see next agenda item)



We need more resources in order to implement Gherkin scenarios for the test harness. The group cannot solve this task on a voluntary basis. However, the work is straight-forward and non-blocked. It requires work hours.

2024 - known and not known


GovStack’s roadmap in 2024 hasn’t been presented, there are uncertainties and ongoing discussions.

Important discussions before end-of-year


  • Finishing the definition discussion from last week’s meeting

    • Outcomes: Ain can update the specification text. We want to be clear about what kind of “consent” that the BB is targeting. Is it a general fits-all model or GDPR, and if not fully GDPR, then how does it comply.

    • Discussions and decisions need to be archived.

  • Current DDX consent solution:

    • Philippe: How can the context in which the consent is made be recorded?

    • We need to know more from use-cases about what data is used for.

    • Can we list out gaps in endpoints and schemas related to the way the DDX UI works?

    • How does current Consent UX guidelines align with DDX UI?

  • Working group resources with respect to some larger topics should be put into question.

Jira backlog tidying






Offline consent

postponed to next meeting

We had to postpone this. Note that we’re trying to figure out a terminology here. “On-demand” consent was used to emphasize the risks of this kind of thinking, but “offline consent” will help us capture the broader nature. Everyone is encouraged to think about terminology

UI/UX feature in DDX Spec


Should we add this to Consent BB spec too?

Consent delegation


Review necessary Gherkin scenarios to implement

@Benjamin Balder Bach Skipped


Spec 2.0: Unfolding new roadmap items



New issues


parked for future meeting

  • What do we expect other BBs that call Consent-BB to store?

  • When do we like to use Consent-BB and when do we not expect this? (This should also be know to the auditor.)

Discussion: How shall we address such matters, which do not fit into specification format?

New Action Items

Action Items from previous meetings

@Ain Aaviksoo consider if the decision to have “external ID” and “external ID type” referencing Individuals is relevant for the Key Desicion Log (if it’s not already there)
@Benjamin Balder Bach Prepare fixtures review for Lal
@Ain Aaviksoo will coordinate with Sandbox team - note that Lal is requesting and end2end use case.
@Ain Aaviksoo Organize a coordinating meeting with Testing team
@Ain Aaviksoo Call for a discussion meeting regarding “on-demand” OR multi-party consent workflows (need to choose which topic?)

