• Rough draft
  • BB involvement in MVP

    Following page gives overview of building blocks in USCT (Unconditional Social Cash Transfer) MVP perspective.

    • unconditional social cash transfer: Cash payments provided to financially disadvantaged or vulnerable people or households without requiring anything in return. The unconditional cash transfer should support different modes/channels for payments: bank payments, voucher payments, mobile money payments and other electronic channels.

    BB integration mapping Draft-not confirmed

    MVP eg. Happy flow Draft-not confirmed

    This is the overview of USCT MVP eg. Happy Flow, showing actions in the flow and the data movement. The flow will be used in detailing the BB requirements in the flow answering the questions:

    • What exact BB is used for the action

    • What is the minimum dataset for the MVP flow in each action

    • What should be the input and output of the BB API

    • How BB communicate via IM


    High level overview of BB in USCT flow Draft-not confirmed