USCT Simulation Terminology
Simulation terminology will be used for the GovStack Simulation page.
The main aim of this document a creating terminology for our simulation to communicate with our users in a simple way without causing confusion.
| Currently Used Term | Challenge | Alternatives | Notes |
USCT Simulation | GovCase | The use case is specifically tailored for the project. Even though it used the existing Use Case and its analyses as a base, due to creating a meaningful experience for our possible users, it was changed/narrowed. | GovCase Simulation:
| For short term GovCase Simulation can be used for covering USCT use case simulation. For long term GovCase can be used as a umbrella term for all of the cases that will be showcased in the project while use cases can be mentional as a [Use Case X] simulation with a reference to digital impact exchange catalogue. |
Possible beneficiaries and candidates perspective for USCT | Citizen | The use case is aimed at different user groups, they don’t necessarily have the status “Citizen” so this term could be confusing. | User:
| This area should always be compared to scenarios and the term for other perspective (current Civil Servant) |
Fictional Goverment name for USCT Simulation | Open Island | It should be clear that the government itself is fictional. | Utopia Island
Civil Servant perspective for USCT simulation | Civil Servant |
| Government:
Government Employee:
- Civil Servant will be used
- Open Island will be replaced with Digital Island for now. Might change later.
- Citizen will be replaced with Applicant