(Feedback) Djibouti Service Blueprint

Service Blueprint


Open questions from the Service Blueprint







Which to-be Journey we should use? there are multiple to-be journeys with small differences. Which one or ones we should focus on?



Content of the stages/procedures/steps are correct? Is there any additional documentation regarding this?



Persona “Citizen” who is defined as “Citizen” and what is their task exactly?

  • What are their goals?

  • What are their specific actions?

  • what are their tasks?



Who is setting up the process of applying for a permit in the first place? A citizen, the architect?



Who is responsible for checking the application and evaluating it?


Missing Persona section

What kind of documents are required from which user group (documents)?


This question occurs on various places throughout the user journey (e.g. first application step, Urban plan creation, etc.)

Who needs to pay for the permit?

Do the payment(s) get calculated automatically?



After the payment is done, the permit is ready to be processed:

  • What will stakeholders receive? (Documents; Notifications)

  • In what format will the stakeholders receive the permit?

  • what will be the final action and output for DATUH portal and egov (the things that will affect our users)

  • Is this a parallel process or does the mayor and officials get all at once and pass/reject the permit?

  • Can the permit be renewed/validity/ possible, are there next steps/loops we should consider?



Inspection of the field “Officials schedules and conduct field visit and log their observation into the system” - is this meant to be a scheduling in the offical system? is there any interaction between user groups?



Who is the final owner of the permit and responsible for it?



Feedback - part of the user journey?




Meetig Notes:

Lorem ipsum