• In progress
  • Sandbox Use Case Analysis - USCT 1 (Unconditional Social Cash Transfer)


    The goal is to build the sandbox for one of the two use cases. For these use cases, the underlying material must be gathered, analysed, and the results shared. For the first case, we analysed "INST-USCT-1 -Unconditional Social Cash Transfer". 

    The first part of the analysis, there are two resources used. These are "Digital Impact Alliance - Catalog of Digital Solutions" and the use case document provided. For both resource contexts of the use case, use case steps and workflows are the same. The main difference can be seen in the use of the building blocks in each use case step. 

    The first part of the analyse includes Use case steps, workflows, building blocks, mapping of the connection between these three elements and the difference between two resources. 

    It is important to remember that these Use Cases are not what will be used by GovStack once the in-progress use case template is finalised and adopted. Eventually, the content in the catalog will be replaced with the GovStack use cases. In addition, Workflows from the catalog are very broad and will not be used as is when referenced by a use case step. Therefore each building block that is shown under workflow in the catalog will not be utilised for each step. 

    The use case document was used as the primary resource for the second part. Artifacts in this document shows; the general flow of the use case steps and main actors, Use case flows/Action steps, and the possible connection between Use case steps with BBs.

    Introduction to USCT-1 - Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

    This use case profiles specifically the digital integration steps within the delivery journey of a generalized unconditional social cash transfer service. Unconditional cash transfers are cash payments provided to financially disadvantaged or vulnerable people or households without requiring anything in return (i.e. without conditionality). This is different from a conditional payment where the benefit needs to be applied on the basis of achieving a certain result (e.g. higher school attendance, or prenatal care visit), or to be expended specifically on a type of resource (e.g. housing, or agricultural equipment). Governments in low- and middle-income countries increasingly use these benefit schemes in attempt to reduce poverty or other vulnerabilities, such as those related to health.

    SDG(Sustainable Development Goals) Targets: Implement Social Protection Systems (SDG 1-3) and Develop Effective, Accountable and Transparent Institutions (16-6)

    Building Blocks: Consent, Identification and Verification, Messaging, Payments, Registration, Scheduling, Workflow and Algorithm. Future building block inclusion: Analytics and Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Client Case Management, Data Collection, Geographic Information Services (GIS), Reporting and Dashboards, Shared Data Repositories, Terminology.

    Use case - Workflow - BB Mapping 


    For Use case - Workflow - BB Mapping each case connected to the related workflow, as it shown on both documents, based on the purposes that are mentioned. For example, the Outreach Communication Use case step use client communication workflow to facilitate the spreading of programme awareness for target audience and encouraging enrolment via mobile / media channel(s). The same workflows also can be seen in different use case steps for different purposes. These connections were created on the map while colour-coding the workflows and their connection lines. Through the mapping, it was shown which workflow connected to which use case steps.

    Example: Partial screenshot of map to show Use Case Step/ Purpose / Workflow Connection

    In addition to the use case steps, workflows are also connected to certain building blocks). The same BBs can be seen in different workflows. Hence, connections were created between the building block and workflow with the same color-coding.

    BBs that are used for use case steps are different on the two reference documents. BBs in the DIAL catalog for workflows and Use Cases are very broad and assume that each step that references a workflow would utilise all of the building blocks included in the workflow, but that is not always the case. Hence, not all the BBs, that are used on DIAL catalog in relation to workflow are necessary to achieve shown purpose. Therefore additional analyses were conducted to see which BBs are used in the use case document and which workflows they are related to. The following graph tries to show which BBs that are given on the use case document might cover related workflow.

    Use Case Actions Steps/Flows

    Based on the use case document,the general flow of the use case steps and main actors, Use case flows/Action steps, and the possible connection between Use case steps with BBs was created.

    The general flow artifact shows each step in simple form and the role of the actors as it is written on the document. It is clear for this use case that the Citizen Servent(Ministry of Social Welfare Officer) is the priority user group for the Sandbox and BBs.

    It is clear that this use case includes different actions, services, actors, and BBs throughout the case. Hence, later each use case has broken down for a better understanding of the user flow. The aim is to understand possible user flows, services that are needed for these steps and creating a base for connecting BBs and producing UI for related steps.

    After creating possible user action steps(flow), BBs are connected to these specific steps based on the building blocks that are shown on the provided document for each use case step. These connections are solely based on our assumptions due to a lack of documentation regarding possible BBs workflows for this use case. In addition to the connection, also possible Govstack UIs written for each use case step based on the flow and connection with the BBs.