TC Facilitator Team Canvas


Accountable Person (only one person)


Responsible Person(s) (“team members doing the work”) @Rounak Nayak @Shukla, Ayush

Informed (“keep in the loop”)

Governance committee

Team Properties


Active InActive

Start Date

(Retrospective to when work connected to the team started)

Feb 21, 2023

End Date

(Anticipated date of last deliverable)


Belongs to Committee (only one)

Technical Committee


We contribute to the GovStack vision with our mission by facilitating the Technical Committee with relevant operational and technical support.

We enable planning, coordination and tracking of activities among members of the technical committee so that the goals of the Technical Committee are achieved in a objective and data-driven manner. Example:

Our mission is to provide support to the Govstack Technical committee in planning, tracking and aligning the activities of various groups to provide deliverables aligned to Govstack’s objectives and technical roadmap. This may include:

1. Running regular TC meetings in coordination with various members of TC

2. Collection and cross-sharing of relevant information with member groups of TC

3. Assistance in documentation, publication and maintenance of technical assets.

4. Collection of status updates, issues, inputs and recommendations from members as needed by TC to process or inform the Governance committee.

5. Facilitate dissemination of relevant announcements, information, decisions and directions of the Governance committee to relevant members of the Technical committee.

Deliverables and Maintained Assets

List here the all tangible goods, the Team is working on or maintaining. Please do not list all activities.

Find here (Sharepoint Link) the overview of the GovStack Initiative’s overall deliverables.

Name of the Asset

Link to the Asset (if already existing)

Date or Frequency of expected delivery/update


Name of the Asset

Link to the Asset (if already existing)

Date or Frequency of expected delivery/update


Technical guidelines and recommendation documents, Building Block Specifications,




Test harness documentation




Compliance process documentation for third party products


On delivery and maintenance cycle


Technical Training documents




technical documentation of procured Building Blocks and Sandbox


On delivery and maintenance cycles


Further Activities (optional)

Here, you may list activities which do not result in a deliverable but you feel need to be mentioned.

  1. provisioning and maintenance of relevant tools, training resources and orientation for members of TC

  2. management of member accounts to access various repositories and tools provisioned by TC.

Other Information

Link to Work Plan (Jira or share point)


Founding Partner holding the mandate for the deliverables

ITU, GIZ, DIAL, Estonia

Frequency of informing the respective Committee on progress

2 weeks

Obligations to involve Governance Committee

e.g. budget constraints, political implications, legal or reputation risks, strategic decisions