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Tech Committee

Tech Committee Kanban Board:

Product Committee

Use Case Sector Survey - Please fill it out and share in your networks


Service blue print for construction permit

Translated into french

Pending meeting with urban and planning to clarified questions after validation of ToR for open call to DPG


GovStack research approach

Inventory of e-learning artifacts

Women in GovTech eLearning Program

Blog post on the consultation process

Update the artifact tracker

Learning programing



Fall priority Events coming up:

  • August 2nd Launch in social media of Green ICT Procurement Guide

  • Tallinn Digital Summit - Next steps - Side event concept note

  • Digital Government Africa 4-6 October 2023 Zambia

  • Africa Climate Week Nairobi - Launch of Green Data Centre Guide (together with World Bank)

  • SDG Digital Day at UNGA -17 September - Status Update von ITU (will follow next week)

  • IGF - 8-12 October

  • In-Person Events:

    • GC Meeting End September / October

    • GovStack in-Person Meeting – for GovStack Community (Egypt or anything else needed)

    • Working Group / community event needed?

Community Building

Collaboration & Country Engagement

Partnership Team

Yes! let´s form a team to keep on track regarding the developments within the partner-landscape


Mission: Our mission is to build strong partnerships for GovStack in those areas where we wish GovStrack to grow and improve through partnerhips (see partner engagement model). This team in supporting this endeabour by keeping the GC and Strategy GC in the loop, and by making the partnerships we are building visible and built ongoing trustful relationships through committments we make and pin down.

Participants: Jake, Margus, Yolanda, Nora ?


  • Partnership One Pagers for a good overview of goals with partners and for communication

  • Blog posts on new partnerships (or success stories) together with Comms, but initiated here

  • Keeping the Partnership Tracker and Country Dashboard with new country contacts up to date.

Partnership One Pager

Whats the status quo?

One Future Alliance

The new initiative supported by India, UNDP - Where do we see value for a new initiative in the DPI ecosystem?

Mid-term evaluation in focus countries

What do we offer in our focus countries? What do partners perceove as the core? → GIZ will set up a Process

In person meeting in Egypt

Everyone ready for a GovStack in-person meeting with community participation in Egypt in February 2024?

