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To avoid long meetings where the current status of each report is read out, we ask all participants to read the links below before the meeting, and add only major questions/priority discussions they may have to be raised in the meeting. This will focus the meeting upon context-setting and assessing scenarios as a group and enough time for discussion that will result in joint decisions and actions needed for the greatest impact.


ITU: PSRAMKUMAR Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)

GIZ: Andrea Donath Nora Hauptmann Nico Lueck Farina Owusu Puja Raghavan

DIAL: Esther Ogunjimi Janie Hayes Sherman Kong Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) Wes Brown

EE (notes by): Margus Mägi

0. Celebrate



Poland Conference July 14th

Consultation process and panel discussion

Capacity building content development

Artifacts tracker Notes:

Yolanda: GS had consultation workshop. Will gather community feedback and ideas that corelate with focus areas. There is a notice about it>

1. GovStack Roadmap

Roadmap Planner

  •  TODO:
  •   Wes Brown to add deliverables from other than Spec streams to have one consolidated roadmap.
 DONE: Nora Hauptmann provided slides that elaborate on the deliverables of other streams, see link: GovStack Deliverables Workshop .pptx (

  •  TODO:

Please provide events that should be added to the roadmap along with any high-level workstream timelines that would be helpful on this roadmap




Review Action Items

Update from Sandbox Project: Learnings and Outlook 2023

Nico Lueck

View file
name230629 Management Info 23Q3-4.pptx


Nico Lueck

We had a Sandbox status presentation call where we presented two deliverables: the Simulation (to be released this week) and the Vertical prototype for technical users.

  • We have followed an agile approach with various changes in response to feedback and challenges. This has bring some delays in our deliverables. However, there are still many open topics that need to be addressed:

  • The simulation results are promising, but there are many technical challenges that require further investigation and testing.

  • The architecture group is revising the specs to ensure they are feasible and optimal for our solution.

  • The BB specs and identified products pose a difficulty, as the BB providers are not agile enough to customize and deploy their services. Some of them have not implemented the required features or standards.

  • The hosting cost for a BB is estimated at ~3000 USD, which may affect the scalability and affordability of our solution.

  • GS should provide more guidance and support for system integrators deploying and operating our solution in different markets and contexts.

  • We need to address some fundamental questions that the architecture team is working on, but they may need more time and resources to resolve them.

  • BB emulators could be a potential alternative to overcome some of the limitations of the BB providers, but they also have their own drawbacks and risks.

  • We need to manage the expectations of our stakeholders and customers about what the sandbox can do and what it cannot do at this stage of development.

Review of definitions for inputs in the playbook/training materials

Comparison July 25th 2023

Comments up to August 7th

Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)

Training artifacts need definitions alignment. The definitions need to be aligned. Take a look and provide your comments.

Capacity building content development

Artifacts tracker

1.0 Publication After Action Review

Margus Mägi



Next week we will launch a survey to collect feedback about the publication process.


  •  Nico Lueck to follow up on any outstanding questions, migrate the teams to confluence and work with the leads to bring the canvases up to date
  •  Margus Mägi AAR on the GERA document and process for publication - work is in progress, expect to have some expert input by the 7th of August.
  •  Wes Brown In two weeks, review the Digitial Investment Framework proposed updates. (Framework 23Q3 Proposed Outline ) propose changes here…
  •  Margus Mägi Set up AAR for 1.0 publication process
  •   Cora and Max to set up private sector engagement/partnership prozess ---> Will be presented next week by Cora Bay
  •  Wes Brown Set up meeting between partners regarding alignment on implementation strategies (end of July or early August)





Tech Committee

Tech Committee Kanban Board:

PSRAMKUMAR - e-signature, e-marketplace, UX and GIS BB will submit their specs. Infrastructure team will contiunue but slower. The architecture team will review it now. Next 2 weeks internal review, then we will proceed with the rest of the process.

Product Committee

Use Case Sector Survey - Please fill it out and share in your networks


Service blue print for construction permit

Translated into french

Pending meeting with urban and planning to clarified questions after validation of ToR for open call to DPG


GovStack research approach

Inventory of e-learning artifacts

Women in GovTech eLearning Program

Blog post on the consultation process

Update the artifact tracker

Learning programing


Open calls for DPGs

Construction permits


Content Management System


Fall priority Events coming up:

  • August 2nd Launch in social media of Green ICT Procurement Guide

  • Tallinn Digital Summit - Next steps - Side event concept note

  • Digital Government Africa 4-6 October 2023 Zambia

  • Africa Climate Week Nairobi - Launch of Green Data Centre Guide (together with World Bank)

  • SDG Digital Day at UNGA -17 September - Status Update von ITU (will follow next week)

  • IGF - 8-12 October

  • In-Person Events:

    • GC Meeting End September / October

    • GovStack in-Person Meeting – for GovStack Community (Egypt or anything else needed)

    • Working Group / community event needed?

Community Building

Collaboration & Country Engagement

Partnership Team

Yes! let´s form a team to keep on track regarding the developments within the partner-landscape


Mission: Our mission is to build strong partnerships for GovStack in those areas where we wish GovStrack to grow and improve through partnerhips (see partner engagement model). This team in supporting this endeabour by keeping the GC and Strategy GC in the loop, and by making the partnerships we are building visible and built ongoing trustful relationships through committments we make and pin down.

Participants: Jake, Margus, Yolanda, Nora ?


  • Partnership One Pagers for a good overview of goals with partners and for communication

  • Blog posts on new partnerships (or success stories) together with Comms, but initiated here

  • Keeping the Partnership Tracker and Country Dashboard with new country contacts up to date.

Partnership One Pager

Whats the status quo?

* GIZ had a meeting with WB

One Future Alliance

The new initiative supported by India, UNDP - Where do we see value for a new initiative in the DPI ecosystem?

Mid-term evaluation in focus countries

What do we offer in our focus countries? What do partners perceove as the core? → GIZ will set up a Process

In person meeting in Egypt

Everyone ready for a GovStack in-person meeting with community participation in Egypt in February 2024?

