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Action Item






Pending action items review

Esther Ogunjimi

10 minutes

  • Satyajit Suri created a tracking page here for API spec development and API testing activities. BB Leads are required to populate the timeline.

  • BB Roadmap - Messaging BB requested additional resources and will coordinate Ramkumar.

  • Estonian BB WG colleagues debrief

  • G2P connect update

Jake Watson

10 minutes

Will be covered at the next meeting


  • BB

    • Roadmap

    • blocker

  • PC

  • Release strategy meeting update

BB Leads

Wes Brown

35 minutes

Workflow BB

  • Short on capacity and no additional technical resources, test implementation is delayed.

  • Focus is on implementing the test and for other BB groups is on getting their APIs and tests in place

  • Test runing locally and still not running on CICD

Messaging BB

  • Will be meeting with Satya and an Architect to map out messaging BB API

  • Suggested hackathon if needed to move tech activities forward.

  • Concert BB issue will be discussed offline

Digital Registries & Registration BB

  • Cucumber testing - have first test running to see if there will be response from APIs up and running in sandbox. Based on the feedbacks, the test will now be UC specific and write free text description.

  • Will continue writing UCs to see how the UCs written by Satya will match test written in cucumber. Here is digital registries example API test

  • Should the test be written in the same language?


Taylor - these tests have been implemented without the deployment scrip. Tests are runing against already deployed software and it is different from the CICD pipeline outline for the BBs. The tests are now running and hitting some software deployed on some different servers.

For the BBs without active deployments will have it mark backend or have digital public good that can be deployed by decompose and test do CICD to create a server and populate them with required data and test them, that will be it’s CICD environment rather than an external url.

This is what can be reused (for integration testing with long standing deployment) and the conversation will be clearer once Sandbox scope is understood

  • Every service description should be in the swagger hub and the test can be built against the deployment

  • Had review of the compliancy with the Ukraine team - the team has a product that is similar to registration and digital registries. Started the gap analysis using testrail.

  • To find tool to carry out compliance evaluation

Wes - adding another tool to the workflow is not the best.

Steve - envisioned we require a tool to run the CI, run the test to get some metrics and be able to generate html page or can report the result back to the user.. or get a tool that can aggregate a bunch of test results into webpage, dashboard etc.

Taylor - All resource should focus on the current priority.

Information Mediator BB

  • Spec of secure service accessing - there is new idea on how to implement this (the idea to unify our interface with cybernetical, so that IM can be UXP). Will be collaborating with Cybernetica UXP

  • Sandbox implementation - no information and would like to be part of the demo environment implementation.


  • Publish first open API and waiting for review before publishing.

  • Will plan meeting for ID mapping - starting with workshop to understand what to be delivered.

Sandbox update

  • Scope

  • Sandbox roadmap

Nico Lueck

10 minutes

  • GoFore will be the system integrator and they are being onboarded.

  • As part of the scope is setting up the environment and tooling for deployment

  • Development of the sandbox - this is in scope with information mediator. There will be open version of hisrode and the integration of different BBs supplied by certain vendors.

  • Working with country team to take the highest priority UC to implement in the sandbox. The purpose is for visibility and also show that sector agnostic is possible with our UCs and the ones from our partners.

  • Part of the task is to come up with data to be used in the sandbox and we will be supported with test harness.

  • The sandbox will be for for the non technical people to show our work and on the technical side is for people to test interfaces and software product.

  • Have a team of three (Wes, Nico and Satya) working with system integrator and will report back to the all GS committee.

Wes - hoping sandbox goal is not to come up with a specific UC or set of UCs but to create a sandbox that is generally useable for lots of UC though some UCs can be targeted as examples, spin off and have all the configuration work.

Ramkumar - the requirement given for sandbox is BB level specification.

Taylor - we need to ensure the vendor is building from the existing architecture of the test strategy and make sure the vendor is not redoing the entire architecture for continuous integration and deployment of candidate application which want to make compliance with GS.


Check if the sandbox architecture is the same?

Team will align outside of the TC.

API test harness & integration

Satyajit Suri

10 minutes

  • There is a clear plan on how to complete the API spec development and move on to testing of individual API

Tracking API spec development and API testing activities

  • Mother and child UC testcase ran successfully taking API example. The demo will be at the testing meeting on Friday.

Jira config & issue template

  • multiple projects

  • developing issue templates

  • working in sprints

Steve Conrad

10 minutes

Some processes we will be using moving forward is here.

  • Different project will be created for each team working on GS. Each BB working group will have a Jira project defined for them to scope out their work as well as TC (for overarching task across BB) and for sandbox demo environment.

  • We might start with monthly sprint cadence


  • Risk register

Esther Ogunjimi


Technical Risk Register
