October 20, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes
@Nico Lueck
@Satyajit Suri
@Steve Conrad
@nashcroft (Unlicensed)
@Taylor Downs
@Ingmar Vali
@Aleksander Reitsakas
@Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)
@Martin Karner
@Jake Watson
@Mauree, Venkatesen
@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)
Previous Action Items
Action Item |
BB Leads to set up the examples with the demo application - if they do not have DPG identified. Demo application is required to expose the endpoint. (Demo mock example) @Satyajit Suri and all BB Leads Follow up with BB leads to fill out column C&D on the HR sheet @Esther Ogunjimi Invite the W3 BB Leads to TC and PC after Onboarding next week @Esther Ogunjimi Consent and IDV BB to discuss how to decentralize consent system which does not depend on online connectivity of a single service and report back to TC - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) @Jaume DUBOIS The PR (pull request) on the the consent BB have their mark implementation of a theoretical consent application is called “demo” but should be call “mark” - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) to look at the PR. Account mapper keeps the ID with payment discussion will be planned with Jaume (IDV BB) to better understand the API - @Mauree, Venkatesen Have focus discussion on role based access control for consent BB and feedback to TC - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) Satya, Wes and Taylor to discuss sandbox request to the vendor and feed back to TC - @Taylor Downs Picking open API spec to get phyton mark server up and runing for the open API spec (mock example) - @Satyajit Suri https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TC/pages/58949741/Next+Step+for+Testing - PENDING All BB leads yet to, should write their test plan and send to @Taylor Downs and @PSRAMKUMAR (architecture team) to review and sign off. Pending with @Satyajit Suri All BB leads to complete column C & D on the HR worksheet on BBgroups_Roadmap_consolidated (1).xlsx Finalize by Mon Oct 3 @Taylor Downs @Aleksander Reitsakas @Martin Karner Sandbox Group - Secure Infra and hosting team @Jaume DUBOIS @Mauree, Venkatesen @PSRAMKUMAR @Ingmar Vali @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) @Taylor Downs to introduce consent team to Tom (Rwanda lead) - not complete, interesting conversation, Taylor to update the group Meeting with the architecture team and the consent BB team Sep 15, 2022 - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)PENDING Backup the data in digital ocean - @Aleksander Reitsakas and @Taylor Downs to support in overseeing |
Meeting Notes
Agenda | Presenter | Duration | Discussion |
Pending action items review | @Esther Ogunjimi | 10 minutes |
| @Jake Watson | 10 minutes | Will be covered at the next meeting Oct 27, 2022 |
| BB Leads
@Wes Brown | 35 minutes | Workflow BB
Messaging BB
Digital Registries & Registration BB
Taylor - these tests have been implemented without the deployment scrip. Tests are runing against already deployed software and it is different from the CICD pipeline outline for the BBs. The tests are now running and hitting some software deployed on some different servers. For the BBs without active deployments will have it mark backend or have digital public good that can be deployed by decompose and test do CICD to create a server and populate them with required data and test them, that will be it’s CICD environment rather than an external url. This is what can be reused (for integration testing with long standing deployment) and the conversation will be clearer once Sandbox scope is understood
Wes - adding another tool to the workflow is not the best. Steve - envisioned we require a tool to run the CI, run the test to get some metrics and be able to generate html page or can report the result back to the user.. or get a tool that can aggregate a bunch of test results into webpage, dashboard etc. Taylor - All resource should focus on the current priority.
Information Mediator BB
Sandbox update
| @Nico Lueck | 10 minutes |
Wes - hoping sandbox goal is not to come up with a specific UC or set of UCs but to create a sandbox that is generally useable for lots of UC though some UCs can be targeted as examples, spin off and have all the configuration work. Ramkumar - the requirement given for sandbox is BB level specification. Taylor - we need to ensure the vendor is building from the existing architecture of the test strategy and make sure the vendor is not redoing the entire architecture for continuous integration and deployment of candidate application which want to make compliance with GS. Question Check if the sandbox architecture is the same? Team will align outside of the TC. |
API test harness & integration | @Satyajit Suri | 10 minutes |
Tracking Pipeline for API Development and API Test Activities
Jira config & issue template
| @Steve Conrad | 10 minutes | Some processes we will be using moving forward is here.
| @Esther Ogunjimi | 5minutes |
Meeting Recording
Action Items