MVP Workshop with Client
Set expectation management and identify possible development hurdles
Questions for Nico to set expectation management:
Agree on Businessflow and next steps:
Identify key activities
Focus on the core processes and highlight any critical decision points or dependencies between activities
What do they want to be developed based on this?
Proposed flow can be ripped and is initial flow what we thought > possibly too ambitious
Reuse initial use design examples > we’d like to create new ones and scale them according to the BB usage and data output
MVP could be several MVPs
MVP is probably not set up for scaling > how can we reuse/modified/changeable it?
How will the user stumble upon the MVP? (User Flow)
Do we need to think about the hosting or global integration already?
Should it be linked to the Simulation, it was mentioned on confluence: “The USCT MVP is built based upon the technical sandbox and the USCT simulation.”
How do we measure the success? Do we want to measure the success?
What are the core KPIs to measure it? Should we define some?
Can be executed in sandbox with interaction of nominated building blocks
It can be monitored of what it does
It validates the concept of using multiple building blocks
Nico wants to be more involved in the project
Set the stage to be an open negotiation
No ultimate truth on the decisions at his point, to gather mental security
Dare to fail > how would failing look like?
Revisit Goals of the MVP with client
Primary Goal:
Creating a technical proof of concept of USCT use case MVP for showcasing Govstack approach to Govstack community.
Secondary Goal
Documenting in detail the development processes
Other Goals: >> set priorities and clarify with client
Horizontal collaboration with BBs teams for USCT MVP
Showcasing BBs roles within the USCT MVP
To see/learn the interaction between BBs for USCT MVP
Understanding and learning the extent of complications and scope of GovStack approach application process.
It will show the pain points and missing part during the development process to provide insight to Govstack Community. (There is always a risk to fail to implement therefor these learning can be highly beneficial)