Payment BB emulator (G2P part)

This page describes the current implementation of Payment Building block emulator and how the different components can be accessed, reviewed and upgraded.

If clean version of the state of the Emulator is needed (eg. Demo or else), please navigate to the h2 console of the emulator (Description in point 1) and delete all of the records in both tables. Note that if you delete just the pod the state of the Database is preserved in Persistent volume!

Access the current running version of the Payment BB emulator in kubernetes cluster:

  1. Via browser

    // Port forward to the service of the emulator kubectl -n payment-bb-emulator port-forward service/payment-bb-emulator-service 15000:8080 // *Note: start detached with & or you should leave the terminal open






Open API Swagger visualisation


health api (From actuator) - they are used in helm chart to validate that the instacne is started correctly


Access to the database

  • JDBC URL : “jdbc:h2:file:./dbdata/paymentbb”

  • user : “sa”

  • password : “password”

Additional information is present in the repository of the emulator: Documentation

  1. Emulator repository

    1. Repository

    2. Helm Chart for deployment

    3. Documentation

  2. CirceCi implementation for emulator

    1. Image Creation Job

    2. Deployment Job

    3. Workflow (Build, Upload Image, Deploy in Kubernetes)

    4. CircleCi UI for the emulator & Trigger Pipeline Documentation

Configuration in X-Road (IM BB) of Payment BB Emulator

  1. Port forward to the service of the X-ROAD

    kubectl -n sandbox-im port-forward service/sandbox-xroad-ss3 14003:4000
  1. Access it in browser:

  1. View of the endpoints registered in X-ROAD

    Navigate to "Payment" SUBSYSTE -> Services -> OPENAPI3 (http://payment-bb-emulator-service.payment-bb-emulator.svc.cluster.local:8080/v3/api-docs) -> api -> endpoints * This view shows the registered services
  1. View of the access rights in X-ROAD