2-6-2023 - meeting notes


  • Front end joining this sprint to help with the technical choices guidance.

  • Jakita is joining the working group for this sprint so we need to think how best to make use of that time

  • I met with Ayush this week to talk about where our patterns make sense to live (I think some is in the implementation playbook and some is on specific building bloc pages (or it lives in a central place that can be linked to.)

  • Ayush also introduced me to Nienke the graphic designer so we can make our wireframes consistent with the implementation playbook.

  • Yolanda would like us to look at the sandbox team work and see how easily it can be reskinned and if it could be a way to showcase UI/UX guidelines. Yolanda seemed keen for us to be producing something that would be helpful for Somalia, now they don’t have any styles or frontend framework or place to document their UI so I think we should consider putting together guidance for people in that situation

  • We have the TAC review at the end of this month but a key milestone is going to be the internal team review at the end of this sprint

  • I’m speaking at a conference in Berlin and am going to do a lightning talk on our working group and call for contributors (better late than never)

  • Betty attended the technical meeting where we were given feedback about how it would be good for us to help each building block to develop their UI interfaces

  • Suggestion that we run a UI drop in meeting open for all bbs

Agreed sprint goal: Get feedback and prepare a use-case demo

  • Jakita is prototyping the user journey for the postpartum use case using our wireframes

  • Betty is meeting with the registration/identity building block to get feedback on UI elements they need and iterating wireframes

  • Toby is going to be developing the technical choices section of the template-standard

  • Laurence is going to be working with sandbox and country delivery teams to understand their needs from a UI/UX perspective and iterating our guidance along-side supporting the above activities
