Finding - Understanding BB and creating personal connection
5 Tests were conducted so far, they started with a straightforward scenario and two different drafts of the landing page:
Quotes and takeways
two out of three from first three rounds did not fully understand BB for the whole interview, introduction with Govstack general info did not help
seemed even like the introduction
Other user:
"page is overloaded with information", "not easy to catch", "dont understand some of the bars"
Other user:
He does not understand what we mean by Building block
Other user:
For him he understand the concept, It founds it little bit complex due to building block. For the politicians have no clue regarding BBs it might be problematic.
Other user (later in the test): He want to see how this use case can be applicable for his own use case.
The terminology used on the page, especially "Building Blocks," caused confusion for participants. Two out of the three participants in the first round did not understand the concept of building blocks from the start. Same goes for the two participants that followed this week. The understanding improved for some over the course of the test, though we have the impression that they were confused from the start already (onboarding page).
There was criticism that the use case for the simulation would not be relevant for what they are working on. Also, most of them did not understand the reusable character of the BBs, though, we even mentioned this actively in the simulation itself.
all users wanted to make and see a connection to their individual challenges and services they are and were working on
the term of the BB, even if explained for dummies, was not understood fully by most participants
we are awaiting the drafts of the new website to understand the funnel and what most users would see before approaching the simulation, it’s very important to align this
we need users to understand that the BBs are usable across workflows and use cases
with a solid concept of workflows or similar this would be easier to achieve than currently possible
still, we think that we need to make this easily understandable
first idea: take up the visualisations from the beginning, make them work within one of the touchpoints (govstack website would be prefered) and interactive
we would like to check the new website very urgently to see how it’s approached there, we expect the issues to be still present though, if so, we would like to and/or recommend to ideate around this issue independently from simulation as this would make it even more complex, it should stick with the job of explaining BB interactions and activities along a or a couple of use cases