Weekly notes IDBB w23

Jun 1, 2023


  • @Jaume DUBOIS

  • @sasi

  • @Vishwanath V

  • @smita.selot

  • @Jane Rose Anthony

Meeting Agenda

  • Status IDBB implementation (Jane)

  • IDBB Implement what other BB/APIs will we implement in the project

  • Credential/Verifiable credentials as next step (wave 4) after on-boarding (wave 3)

Meeting Note







Status IDBB implementation


An enrolment API is ready for demo, we can review in next week Tuesday status.

Sasi will introduce first draft of API

Goal is we can start iterate and prototype on-boarding with this API.

Note: No integration meeting on this Friday, we will restart that next week.

Test harness


URL redictection is a mandatory need for test environment

Test envirnment should have that feature.

IDBB Implement what other BB/APIs will we implement in the project


IDBB needs to integrate now:

  • BB Payment integration (Auth API)

  • eRegistration BB (On-boarding)

For now no need to implement it for:

  • Messaging BB and Consent BB (no candidate implementation ready)

Credential/Verifiable credential as next step after on-boarding


Idea is that any input or output of BB should accept VC has an interoperability format. This would be standard and traceable.

For IDBB this should apply to:

  • Credential API


  • On-boarding API.

TBD: Check what MOSIP does, check what SunBird RC does. Check also UNCTAD solution.



Sasi will make a PR initial version of API with initial data structure/format (Next Tuesday)

Authorization BB


Out of our responsiblity of IDBB, this is linked to Relying party management

User Centric


IDBB should lead the User centric standpoint of GovStack.

Note: Jaume is assembling best practices on Mobile Companion App for proposal to GovStack product committee

Action Items

[Cleaning closed actions items]

@Jaume DUBOIS to launch wave 3 from week 18


  1. MOSIP will provide a demo instance (see 3 steps delivery plan in notes)
  2. [w32] IDBB will have its own UI. API and UI level switching are required but credential data security and privacy must be ensured > Meeting will happen w32 with Registration buildblock to cover that point.
  3. [w38] Torsten Lodderstedt (from OpenID Foundation) will join IDBB workgroup to support Authentication/KYC API definition
  4. [w39] GovStack demo should adapt to showcase IDBB block features capacities (added value)
  5. [w43] IDBB will take be involved in any Individual Centric scenario and could make some design proposals
  6. [w12] IDBB wave 3 will be about ID Management and specially on-boarding