Definition of Done

Definition of Done

Test configuration

  1. Tests for the endpoint given in the ticket were implemented according to our test template.

  2. All required requests are mocked in the example app.

  3. Tests pass for a mocked app at the minimum.

  4. The code was built clean (static code analysis passed).

  5. All code changes, additions, and removals went through a code review, conducted by at least one person with technical expertise, who wasn’t directly involved in making the code changes; the code review feedback was incorporated or discussed with the reviewer.

  6. Tests were reviewed by at least one person with domain expertise (usually the Building Block Lead), who wasn’t directly involved in making the code changes; the code review feedback was incorporated or discussed with the reviewer.

  7. The changes were merged into the master branch.

Testing app

  1. The functionality described in the story was implemented (or bug fixed) according to the provided acceptance criteria or reproduction steps.

  2. Automated unit tests were written for any new code.

  3. The code was built clean (it compiled, tests and static code analysis passed) on the CI server.

  4. All code changes, additions, and removals went through a code review, conducted by at least one person with technical expertise, who wasn’t directly involved in making the code changes; the code review feedback was incorporated or discussed with the reviewer.

  5. The changes were merged into the master branch.

  6. The changes were deployed to the testing environment.

  7. The changes were tested manually on a test environment that best replicates the production environment - the summary of the conducted tests is attached to the ticket (e.g. as a comment or as a link).

  8. The changes did not introduce known, critical regressions.

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