

This is to form a pipeline and setup the roadmap accordingly for the current Building Blocks



Identify list of APIs needed for your BB
For each API, denote
If they have English description in specs or not
If they have API defined in open-API v3.0 (json/yaml) or not yet
If  the API have been tested with stubs or not yet
Whether the API has been interfaced to IM or not
Whether the API has been tested for calls from/to other BB APIs or not
List of further enhancements to be done next quarter for your BB specifications
List of APIs (defined/undefined) aligned to functionalities/services (defined / to be defined) currently in your BB
Prioritized first API in your BB to be targeted for testing
Resources needed for the above in your team (who/new, for what)


Current Status for Wave 1/2 Groups

  • Information Mediator – still working on initial API definitions.​

  • Identity – Initial APIs defined, need developer support for Cucumber tests and mocks​

  • Payments – Initial APIs coming this week, need developer support​

  • Registration/Registries - initial APIs defined, may need additional dev support​

  • Workflow – APIs have been defined, no developer support needed​

  • Consent – APIs have been defined, no developer support needed (may need in future)​

  • Scheduler – APIs defined, need developer support for Cucumber tests and mocks​

  • Messaging – APIs in process of being defined​






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