Communication Team Canvas


Accountable Person (only one person)

@Farina Owusu

Responsible Person(s) (“team members doing the work”)

@Shukla, Ayush @Farina Owusu @Martha Mundas @Hans Christian Ende

Informed (“keep in the loop”)

Governance Committee

Team Properties



Start Date

(Retrospective to when work connected to the team started)

Feb 21, 2023

End Date

(Anticipated date of last deliverable)


Belongs to Committee (only one)

Governance Committee


We contribute to the GovStack vision with our mission to position GovStack as the go-to resource for national digital transformation focused on digital public infrastructure and expand our community of participants, contributors, and advocates who amplify our message and influence by representing GovStack externally in a way that reflects our credibility and expertise.

We [the value you bring; value proposition] so that [target group/user] can [why you do the work].

Deliverables and Maintained Assets

See this page for a list of deliverables:

Further Activities (optional)

  1. Activity

  2. Activity

Other Information

Link to Work Plan (Jira or sharepoint)

Founding Partner holding the mandate for the deliverables

DIAL until April 30, 2024

Frequency of informing the respective Committee on progress

every 3 weeks

Obligations to involve Governance Committee

budget constraints, political implications, legal or reputation risks